Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Catalog/La vie et l'Œuvre de Georges Kars

instance of (P31) -> painting (Q3305213) & catalog code (P528) -> # -> catalog (P972) -> La vie et l'Œuvre de Georges Kars (Q47300787).

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?catcode WHERE { ?item p:P528 [ pq:P972 wd:Q47300787 ; ps:P528 ?catcode]. } ORDER BY xsd:integer(?catcode)
image label description catalog creator inception collection inventory number
Le marche à Tossa painting by Georges Kars 17 bis. Georges Kars 1934 Czech Museum of Fine Arts O 316
Verpacken der Zitronen auf Mallorca painting by Georges Kars 3 Georges Kars 1912 National Gallery Prague O 10944
Woman with gray shawl painting by Georges Kars 9 Georges Kars 1930 National museum of modern art JP 670 P
Woman with parrot painting by Georges Kars 10 Georges Kars 1929 No/unknown value
Les acrobates painting by Georges Kars 12 Georges Kars 1930 No/unknown value
Mangeuse de cerises painting by Georges Kars 14 Georges Kars 1932 No/unknown value
White House painting by Georges Kars 15 Georges Kars 1933 National Gallery Prague O 9923
Les gants noirs painting by Georges Kars 16 Georges Kars 1933 Gallery of Fine Arts in Ostrava O 157
The pupil at the easel painting by Georges Kars 24 Georges Kars 1938 National museum of modern art JP 897 P
My friend Pre and the tiger hunt painting by Georges Kars 28 Georges Kars 1939 National museum of modern art AM 2882 P
Red odalisque painting by Georges Kars 30 Georges Kars 1940 National museum of modern art AM 4355 P
Nu assis painting by Georges Kars 36 Georges Kars No/unknown value
Utrillo allongé jouant de la flûte Drawing by Georges Kars 37 Georges Kars 1923 National museum of modern art
No/unknown value
AM 1974-176
Nu Drawing by Georges Kars 48 Georges Kars 1942 No/unknown value
End of automatically generated list.