Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Creator/Agnieta Gijswijt

instance of (P31) -> painting (Q3305213) & creator (P170) -> Agnieta Gijswijt (Q15713500)

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 . ?item wdt:P170 wd:Q15713500 . MINUS { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q15727816 } }
image label description collection inventory number catalog code inception location described at URL depicts
Portrait of Dirk Gijswijt, father of the artist painting by A.C. Gijswijt Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Instituut Collectie Nederland
C1649 1896 depot RCE
Zelfportret painting by A.C. Gijswijt Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Instituut Collectie Nederland
C1662 1898 depot RCE
Portrait of Maria Cornelia Mensink, mother of the artist painting by A.C. Gijswijt Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Instituut Collectie Nederland
C1658 1899 depot RCE
Portret van Maria Cornelia Rensink, moeder van de kunstenaar painting by A.C. Gijswijt Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Instituut Collectie Nederland
C1659 1901 depot RCE
Portret van haar vader: Dirk Gijswijt painting by A.C. Gijswijt Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Instituut Collectie Nederland
C1650 1901 depot RCE
Zelfportret painting by A.C. Gijswijt (RCE C1663) Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Instituut Collectie Nederland
C1663 1904 depot RCE Agnieta Gijswijt
Portrait of Lizzy Ansingh (1875-1959) painting by A.C. Gijswijt Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Instituut Collectie Nederland
B2303 1904 Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection Lizzy Ansingh
Dirk Gijswijt en M.C. Rensink (ouders van A.C. Gijswijt) painting by A.C. Gijswijt Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Instituut Collectie Nederland
C1653 1905 depot RCE
Portrait of Maria Cornelia Mensink, the mother of the artist painting by A.C. Gijswijt (RCE C1660) Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Instituut Collectie Nederland
C1660 1906 depot RCE
Portrait of Dirk Gijswijt and Maria Cornelia Mensink, parents of the artist painting by A.C. Gijswijt Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Instituut Collectie Nederland
C1655 1907 depot RCE man
Portrait of Dirk Gijswijt and his wife Maria Cornelia Gijswijt, parents of the artist painting by A.C. Gijswijt Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Instituut Collectie Nederland
C1654 1912 depot RCE
Portrait of Miss S.H. Reyenga painting by A.C. Gijswijt Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Instituut Collectie Nederland
B2309 19th century depot RCE
Portrait of Nelly Bodenheim (1874-1951) painting by A.C. Gijswijt Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Instituut Collectie Nederland
B2302 1919 depot RCE Nelly Bodenheim
Portrait of Dirk Gijswijt, father of the artist painting by Agnieta Cornelia Gijswijt Instituut Collectie Nederland
Portrait of Maria Cornelia Mensink, mother of the artist painting by Agnieta Cornelia Gijswijt Instituut Collectie Nederland
End of automatically generated list.