Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/RKD to match/Adriaen van Ostade

This page gives an overview of Ostade, Adriaen van paintings in RKDimages that are not in use on a painting item (left table) and the painting items by Adriaen van Ostade (Q352438) that do not have a link to RKDimages (right table). You can help by connecting these two lists.

RKDimage id Title Inception Collection(s)
120043 Schoolmeester met zijn leerlingen / The schoolroom Goldschmidt, J. en S.

Stark, Henry Jacob Lutcher (None, 1927-06-20)

118743 Schoolmeester slijpt zijn pen temidden van zijn leerlingen / None 1636 ca. Hammer Galleries

Private collection (None, 1970)

116355 Herberginterieur met een boerenpaar dat danst op de muziek van een doedelzak / None 1633 ca.
116465 Oude vrouw proostend over een ondedeur / None Stroganoff, Sergei Alexandrovich

Bammann, Hans (None, 1927)

115579 Herbergscène met boeren / None 1634 ca.
114908 Triktrak spelende boeren in een herberg / Company playing triktrak in a tavern 1632-1633 ca.
114832 Herbergscène met muzikanten / None 1843 gedateerd
112114 Herbergscène, een roker en een drinker in gesprek / None na 1650
105304 Boeren in een herberginterieur / None jaren veertig
106446 Een man met steengoed bierkan / None 1650 ca.
106892 Vrou die een proostende man een haring en een ui aanbiedt, met kegelaars op de achtergrond / Woman offering a herring and an onion to a man, with skittle players beyond
110345 Boereninterieur met rokers en drinkers / Interior with peasants smoking and drinking art dealer (None, 2015-11)
106662 Een proostende boer en een rokende vrouw in een venster / None 1690 ca. Private collection (None, 2002)
109466 Muzikanten in een herberg / None
109473 Figuren voor een woning / None 1680 ca.
108696 Klaslokaal waarin de schooljuffrouw op de hand van een kind slaat / None
196863 Oude vrouw die een man vlooit: allegorie op het Gezicht / Old woman delousing a man; allegory of Sight 17de eeuw, na ca. 1635
199378 Marktkramen met een man die verschillende vissen bij zich heeft op de voorgrond / Market stalls with a man carrying fish in the foreground
201573 Rokende en drinkende boeren in een interieur / Peasants smoking and drinking in an interior 1644-45 ca. French, Josiah

Michel (None, 1887)

201203 Twee boeren in een interieur / Two peasants in an interior eerste helft jaren 1640 Hausmann, Bernhard (31, None)

Cumberland, Ernest Augustus Duke of (120, 1905)

201709 Etende en drinkende boeren in een boerderij / None
200895 Feestende boeren in een stalinterieur / Feasting peasants in an interior 1640 gedateerd Leegenhoek, J.O.

Küss, René (None, 1958)

186005 Rokende en drinkende boeren in een schuur / Smoking and drinking peasants in a barn 1640 gedateerd
186006 Rokende en drinkende boeren in een interieur / Smoking and drinking peasants in an interior 1643 gedateerd
185725 Boerderijinterieur met figuren rond de haard / A barn interior with figures by a fireplace 1641 ca. Cartategui, Soraya (None, 2014)
195834 Boerengezellschap drinkend en converserend in een interieur / Peasant company drinking and talking in an interior jaten veertig Wiederkehr, Arthur
189481 Boeren voor een herberg / None
193431 Stalinterieur met een boer en boerin / Barn interior with a peasant couple 1636 ca.
193487 Drinkende en pratende boeren in een schuur / Peasants drinking in a barn 1640 ca.
188799 Drinkende en rokende boeren in een interieur / Peasants drinking and smoking in a farm jaren 1650 Jellinek, Bruno

Kunsthistorisches Museum (Q95569) (None, 1941-12-02)

209910 Rokende en drinkende boeren in een interieur / An interior with peasants huddled around a cask, smoking and drinking tweede helft jaren 1640 Howe, Earl of (None, 1884)
225927 Man die een brief voorleest of zingt / Man reading a letter aloud or singing jaren 1650
237206 Halthoudende reizigers voor een herberg / Traveller halting at a country inn late jaren 1640 Private collection (None, 1972-10)
241867 Drinkende boeren in een herberg / Drinking peasants in a tavern Bruyn, C.B. de
241874 Herberginterieur met een boerengezelschap / Interior of a tavern with a peasant company
241877 Schoolmeester met zijn leerlingen in een klaslokaal / School teacher with his pupils in a classroom 1635 gedateerd Leegenhoek, J.O. (None, 1972)

Stéfani, Henriette

241341 Het Gehoor / The Sense of Hearing 1650 ca. Private collection (None, 2012-06-29)
232606 Kaartspelend boerengezelschap in een boerderij-interieur / Peasants playing cards in a rustic interior 1655 gedateerd Barnard, Lord (None, 1964)

Müllenmeister, Kurt J. (None, 1983)

232674 Boereninterieur met een geslacht varken / Peasant interior with a slaughtered pig 1641 ca. Willigen, Adriaan van der (None, 1819-04-19)

Kunsthandel K. & V. Waterman
Hascoe, Norman & Suzanne (None, 1983)

232676 Herbergscène met zignende en musicerende boeren / Interior of an inn, with peasants singing and making music c. 1631-1632 Kunsthandel K. & V. Waterman

Hascoe, Norman & Suzanne (None, 1983)

232678 Herberginterieur met pissende boer / Interior of an inn with a pissing peasant ca 1632 Koetser, David

Kunsthandel K. & V. Waterman
Hascoe, Norman & Suzanne (None, 1983)

218201 Interieur met drinkende boeren / Interior with peasants drinking Hidberg, Oscar (None, 1947)
216060 Mannenkop / Head of a man 1645 ca. Philips, Anton
216093 Dorpstafereel met een jonge violist en een draailierspeler voor een herberg / Village scene with a hurdy-gurdy player and a violinist outside a tavern 16.. gedateerd Philips, Anton
216490 Rokende, drinkende en kaartspelende boeren in een interieur / Peasants smoking, drinking and playing cards in an interior jaren 1630 Private collection (None, 1850)
215391 Twee rokende mannen / Two men smoking Choiseul, Etienne François duc de

Wille, Johann Georg (None, 1772)
Diemen & Co, Galerie Van (None, 1928)
Private collection

229810 Een boerenpaar met twee kleine kinderen in een boerderij- interieur / A barn interior with a peasant couple and two small children, a still life of kitchenware and cabbages to the left, a large basket and an earthenware jug to the right. 1640 ca.
217510 Rokende, drinkende en pratende boeren in een stalinterieur / Peasants smoking, drinking and in conversation in a barn Private collection (None, 1963)

Dowdeswell & Dowdeswell
Private collection

216721 Boeren lezend in een interieur / Peasants smoking and reading in an interior Hew Clifford Hamilton-Dalrymple of North Berwick - 9th Bt., Sir (None, 1938)
216730 Boeren slachten een varken / Slaughter of a pig Courtin, Auguste
283249 Boer met een glas / Peasant holding a glass
286334 Echtpaar in een boereninterieur / Couple in a cottage na 1670-1679
281075 Drinkende en rokende boeren in een interieur / Peasants drinking and smoking in an interior jaren 1650
281100 Zingende en musicerende boeren in een interieur; allegorie op het Gehoor / Peasants singing and playing music in an interior; allegory of Hearing midden 17e eeuw
281102 Interieur met boeren bij een dokter; allegorie op het Gevoel / Interior wit peasants and a doctor; allegory of Touch midden 17e eeuw
281103 Interieur met boeren en een vrouw die een baby verschoont; allegorie op de Reuk / Interior with peasants and a woman changing a baby's diaper; allegory of Smell midden 17e eeuw
281105 Drinkende, etende en rokende boeren in een interieur; allegorie op de Smaak / Peasants drinking, eating and smoking in an interior; allegory of Taste c. 1650
281106 Luizende boeren in een interieur; allegorie op het Gezicht / Peasants delousing in an interior; allegory of Sight midden 17e eeuw
280641 Drinkende en rokende boeren bij de haard / Peasants drinking and smoking by the fireplace 1650-1749 ca.
280642 Vrolijke boeren voor een herberg / Merry peasants outside an inn
284004 Mercurius, Argus en Io / Mercury, Argus and Io jaren 1630 Brod Gallery, Alfred (cat. no. 24 (1956), 1956)

Wolf, Emile E. (None, 1956)

278849 Man en vrouw bij een deur / Man and woman at the house-door 1667 Private collection
292968 Boerenfamilie in een interieur / Family of peasants in an interior 1880 ca. Meunier Murer, Paul

Vollard, Ambroise (None, 1906)
Vollard, Lucien
Jonas, Edouard
Thaw, Eugene Victor
Noortman, Robert (None, 1981)
Private collection

290824 De straatmuzikanten / The street musicians Mayer, L.A. (None, 1916)
269368 Interieur met drinkende en rokende boeren / Interior with peasants drinking and smoking na 1634 Private collection
274656 Boer rookt een pijp in een interieur / Peasant smoking a pipe in an interior 1659 gedateerd Koetser, David (None, 1977)
275532 Boerengezelschap met een violist in een interieur / Peasants playing music in a cottage 1647 gedateerd
258898 Boerderijstilleven / Stille life in a barn 1636 ca.
261076 Muzikant met draailier voor een boerenwoning / Hurdy-gurdy player in a peasant yard na 1653
262621 Oude vrouw vlooit een man, allegorie op het gezicht / Old woman delousing a man; allegory of sight
262132 Klaslokaal met leerlingen en een huilende jongen knielend voor de schoolmeester / Class room with students and a crying boy kneeling before the teacher Katz, D.
266079 Musicerende boeren bij een boerderij / Peasants making music at a cottage 1642 gedateerd
263211 Boereninterieur met een vrouw die potten schoonmaakt / Barn interior with a woman cleaning pots 1640 ca.
260027 Interieur met een lezende advocaat aan een tafel / Interior with lawyer seated at a table reading a letter 1666 gedateerd
305248 Kop van een man / Head of a man 163.. gedateerd Vaarties, D. (None, 1931)

Private collection (None, 2022-05)

305160 Interieur van een boerenhuis / Interior of a peasant's cottage na 1638 Private collection (None, 1790)
305161 Boeren interieur met een naaiende vrouw en een man met hond op schoot / Farmers interior with a sewing woman and a man with a dog in his lap na 1638 Private collection (None, 1790)
305953 Stalinterieur met drinkende boeren een geslacht varken / Stable interior with peasants and a slaughtered pig 1640-1660 ca. Private collection
297794 Boereninterieur met een vrouw / Farm interior with a woman tweede helft 17de eeuw Private collection (None, 1980)

Galerie Dobiaschowsky (None, 2018)
Private collection (None, 2018)

302316 Muziekmakende boeren in een schuur / Barn interior with peasants making music 1633 gedateerd Private collection

Private collection
Lawrence Steigrad Fine Arts (None, 2021)

232132 Oude vrouw in gesprek met rokende en drinkende boeren in de deuropening van een herberg / Old woman in conversation with peasants smoking and drinking in the doorway of a tavern jaren 1660-1670
218598 Herberginterieur met kaartende en drinkende boeren / Tavern interior with peasants playing cards and drinking
217155 Allegorische voorstelling met dominante vrouwen / Allegoric scene with dominant women jaren 1640 Private collection (None, 1940)
203404 Een dorpsschool met een schooljuffrouw die een leerling straft / A village school with a teacher punishing a student Private collection (None, 2004)
203450 Boslandschap met figuren bij een vaart / None 1667 gedateerd
298812 Boerenfamilie mosselen pellend in een schuur / Peasant family cleaning mussels in a barn 1638 gedateerd Staatsgalerie im Schloß Johannisburg (6386 (cat.1933), None)

Gemälde-Galerie Abels (None, 1962-05)
Private collection

120536 Alchemist met zijn handen in het haar bij de stookplaats in zijn werkplaats / An alchemist near a fireplace in his studio vroege jaren 1640 Private collection (None, 2001)
195821 Oude boer met glas en bierkan zittend bij een tafel / A man holding tankard and a glass ca 1670 Koetser, David (cat. nr. 6 (2003), 2003)
281224 Boeren maken plezier in een herberg / Peasants making merry in an inn
234005 Drie rokende en drinkende mannen in gesprek / Three men smoking, drinking and in conversation
309623 Gezelschap in een interieur / Figures in an interior 1675-1749 Private collection

Private collection (None, 2023)

229060 Boeren lezend in een interieur / Peasants smoking and reading in an interior Hoet, Gerard (II) (None, 1752)

Choiseul-Praslin, Renaud-César-Louis (duc de)
Eyl Sluyter, Hendrik van
Rothschild, Alphonse James baron de (1827-1905)

308629 Draailierspeler bij de deur van een huis / Hurdy gurdy-player at the door of a house 1670-1685 ca. Wassenaer Obdam, Johan Hendrik van

Bisschop, Pieter (None, 1750-08-19)
Bisschop, Jan (None, 1758)
Hope, John (None, 1771)
Radstock, Admiral Lord
Rainer, Peter
Baring,Thomas (1st Earl of Northbrook)
Baring,Thomas (1st Earl of Northbrook) (138, 1889)
Haga, H.
Private collection
Private collection (None, 2023)

203038 Drie mannen in een herberg / None Private collection
Painting Inception Collection
Interior of a Barn with Boisterous peasants (Q101209476) 1655 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/70ADDDD4A6FCB6AB0F93BC91D423E0EB
Peasants playing cards outside an inn (Q101209664) 1655 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/93771189672AECC32B2F7E9A19D7EBCC
Untitled (Q102037413) Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare O Rehua Whanganui (Q7424149)
Q104445123 1657 Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris (Q59546080)
Q104445457 1680 Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris (Q59546080)
Q104445458 1666 Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris (Q59546080)
Smokers (Q104531860) National Museum in Warsaw (Q153306)
Genre scene in an interior (Q104532475) National Museum in Warsaw (Q153306)
Spinner (Q104535215) National Museum in Warsaw (Q153306)
The Card Players (Q104635218) 1640 Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg (Q1535963)
Man with Jug (Q105441375) Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest (Q840886)
Peasant Family at the Fireplace (Q105441380) Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest (Q840886)
A man wearing a black cap (Q105452110)
Interior of a Barn with Peasants Carousing ('The Sense of Smell') (Q105581780)
Three Peasants and a Woman at a Table (Q106193337) 1655 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/09F0843CB95030E290461ED290AC879A
Peasants playing Cards in an Inn (Q106728258) 1655 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/D68AE60352E579A7E31749ACA390DD96
A Physician in his Study (Q106728308) 1655 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/683CA2F4A7D719BC95EF9DAD5870CA2A
The Pig's Carcase (or, A Peasant's Family) (Q106728768) 1655 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/3D753C934D09F2F40C1746B57F2AAE0B
Three Peasants Drinking and Smoking (Q106869632) 1640 Fogg Museum (Q809600)
Three Peasants Drinking and Smoking (Q106869632) 1640 Harvard Art Museums (Q3783572)
Q107437099 1640 Gemäldegalerie (Q165631)
Q107439098 1670 Gemäldegalerie (Q165631)
Q107444396 1645 Gemäldegalerie (Q165631)
Q107447622 1665 Gemäldegalerie (Q165631)
A Rustic Couple dancing at an Inn (Q107705075) 1650
Interior of a Peasant's Cottage (Q108291199) 1650 Hallwyl Museum (Q4346239)
Cottage Interior with Four Peasants (Q108307488) 1630 Hallwyl Museum (Q4346239)
Peasants sitting and drinking in a barn with a dog (Q108537143) 1650
Three Drinking and Smoking Farmers in a Tavern (Q110805685) 1667 Kunstmuseum Basel (Q194626)
Two peasants smoking, drinking and reading in an interior (Q110822468) 1640 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/92C5AA9A4160B19A8680F050AA79231E
A kitchen interior with a mother and child (Q111038220) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/959617894DFCD7B11F2008FA443F232B
Q111643833 1665 Führermuseum (Q475667)
Q111643833 1665 Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
Q111643924 1658 Führermuseum (Q475667)
Q111643924 1658 Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
Q111643969 1656 Führermuseum (Q475667)
Q111643969 1656 Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
peasants in a tavern (Q111644602) 1671 Führermuseum (Q475667)
peasants in a tavern (Q111644602) 1671 Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
peasants in a tavern (Q111644602) 1671 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/54BD6C5B2D1E576DEB3F6195C21EADCA
Q111648566 1651 Führermuseum (Q475667)
Q111649626 1635 Führermuseum (Q475667)
peasants in a tavern (Q111651413) 1650 Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
peasants in a tavern (Q111651413) 1650 Department of Paintings of the Louvre (Q3044768)
peasants in a tavern (Q111651413) 1650 Musée Labenche (Q3329231)
peasants in a tavern (Q111651413) 1650 Musées Nationaux Récupération (Q19013512)
peasants in a tavern (Q111651424) Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
peasants in a tavern (Q111651424) Musées Nationaux Récupération (Q19013512)
Q111651858 1650 Department of Paintings of the Louvre (Q3044768)
Q111651858 1650 MUba Eugène-Leroy (Q3273318)
Q111651858 1650 Musées Nationaux Récupération (Q19013512)
landscape (Q112219347) Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
landscape (Q112219347) Hermann Göring Collection (Q2647884)
woman at a window (Q112226963) Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
Peasant Family by a Hearth (Q112230399) Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest (Q840886)
Peasant Family by a Hearth (Q112230399) Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
children's play-room (Q112231587) Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
Children`s play- room (Q112231588) Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
interior with drinking peasants (Q112243571) Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
Dance of the peasants (Q112245672) Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
peasants sitting at an inn (Q112247739) Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
Countryman a. Countrywoman on a table (Q112259536) Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
Q115463814 1657 Groninger Museum (Q1542668)
Q115670202 1670 Department of Paintings of the Louvre (Q3044768)
Q115674821 1630 Department of Paintings of the Louvre (Q3044768)
Peasant family outside a cottage (Q118435593) 1660 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/2905A2625F013DB3F28AFB6AA7B59C9A
Interior of an Ale House (Q118877019) Discover Bucks Museum (Q4983261)
Interior of an Ale House (Q118877022) Discover Bucks Museum (Q4983261)
Drinker at a Window (Q118877874) Maidstone Museum and Bentlif Art Gallery (Q6735528)
Drinking Scene (Q118884847) 1635 The Wilson (Q5090184)
The Fiddler (Q118890546) 1636 Victoria and Albert Museum (Q213322)
A Village Fair (Q118895837) 1647 Cannon Hall (Q5032765)
A Lawyer in His Study (Q118896046) Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (Q41661713)
Two Peasants Smoking (Q118896093) 1655 Manchester Art Gallery (Q2638817)
A Hurdy-Gurdy Player at a Cottage Door (Q118896107) Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (Q41661713)
The Musicians (Q118896288) 1660 Waddesdon Manor (Q944225)
The Water Pump (Q118984835) 1670 Guildhall Art Gallery (Q4968030)
A Peasant Filling His Pipe (Q118984855) 1660 Cannon Hall (Q5032765)
A Woman Drinking (Q118984863) 1660 Cannon Hall (Q5032765)
An Itinerant Musician Playing the Hurdy-Gurdy to a Group of Children Outside an Inn Door (Q118984932) 1672 Manchester Art Gallery (Q2638817)
Tavern with Tric-Trac or Backgammon Players (Q118985364) 1671 Guildhall Art Gallery (Q4968030)
Village Inn with Tric-Trac or Backgammon Players and Card Players (Q118985782) 1674 Guildhall Art Gallery (Q4968030)
Peasants Dancing in a Tavern (Q118985871) 1675 Guildhall Art Gallery (Q4968030)
Head of an Old Man (Q119625998) Victoria and Albert Museum (Q213322)
Peasants Dancing in a Barn (Q119794636) Dover Collections (Q119882887)
Hot Cockles (Q119794644) Colchester and Ipswich Museums Service (Q116780747)
Dutch Merrymaking (Q119794646) Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council (Q16985873)
A Toper (Q119794664)
A Village School Room (Q119794666) Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (Q41661713)
Interior with Three Roistering Peasants (Q119794674) Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (Q41661713)
A Doctor in His Cabinet (Q119794680) Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (Q41661713)
A Physician Examining Urine (Q119794685) Wellcome Collection (Q7981191)
A Barber Shaving a Man (Q119794705) Wellcome Collection (Q7981191)
A Surgeon Operating on a Man's Foot (Q119794719) Wellcome Collection (Q7981191)
Interior of a Tavern (Q119794726) Glynn Vivian Art Gallery (Q5572991)
Interior with Dutch Peasants Drinking (Q119794741)
Three Peasants Seated (Q119794744) Victoria and Albert Museum (Q213322)
An Interior with a Family Meal, Children Playing with a Dog before a Window, Stairs Beyond (Q119794749)
Bearded Man Drinking from a Stein (Q119794751) Warrington Museum and Art Gallery (Q7970731)
Peasants Drinking outside an Inn (Q119794757) 1815 Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery (Q4968867)
Peasant Brawl (Q119918957) Watford Museum (Q21008534)
A Village Festival (Q119921693) Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (Q41661713)
An Alchemist (Q119931816) Wellcome Collection (Q7981191)
Merrymaking (Q119942331) The Box (Q7205781)
Der Zahnbrecher (The Dentist) (Q119942332) Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (Q2171012)
The Musician (Q119942333) Sheffield Galleries and Museums Trust (Q7492669)
Peasants in a tavern. (Q121078607) 1650 Archdiocesan Museum in Katowice (Q11786910)
The Hurdy-gurdy player (Q122758914) 1640
An Old Drinker (Q122759073) 1640
A Peasant Smoking (Q122759088) 1640
A Woman Drinking (Q122759098) 1640
The Itinerant Musician (Q122759156) 1640
Interior with figures (Q122760743) 1640
Man with a Hurdy gurdy (Q123256126) 1660
A Peasant making purchases (Q123271942) 1650
Rollicking Peasants in an inn (Q123272048) 1650
Interior with four figures (Q123609207) 1640 Colnaghi (Q5147759)
Interior with four figures (Q123609207) 1640 Thirlestaine House (Q15979577)
Interior of an ale-house (Q123611308) 1640 Charles Sedelmeyer collection (Q117293910)
Portrait of a scholar (Q17334135) 1665 Rijksmuseum (Q190804)
Peasants in an Interior (Q17342148) 1661 Rijksmuseum (Q190804)
Peasants in an Interior (Q17342148) 1661 Amsterdam Museum (Q1820897)
Peasants in an Interior (Q17342148) 1661 collection Adriaan van der Hoop (Q19750488)
Q17524309 Frans Hals Museum (Q574961)
The Drinker (Q17524334) 1650 Frans Hals Museum (Q574961)
Room in an Inn with Peasants Drinking, Smoking and Playing Backgam (Q18683029) 1678 Albertina (Q371908)
Peasant at a Window (Q19858986) 1660 Brooklyn Museum (Q632682)
The Alchemist (Q19935956) 1661 National Gallery (Q180788)
Tavern Scene (Q20177560) 1660 National Gallery of Art (Q214867)
The Cottage Dooryard (Q20177644) 1673 National Gallery of Art (Q214867)
Drunkards in a Tavern (Q20196113) 1640 Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (Q1416890)
Merrymakers in an Inn (Q20266357) 1674 Art Institute of Chicago (Q239303)
Two Peasants Fighting with Knives (Q20355340) 1640 Statens Museum for Kunst (Q671384)
The Organ-Grinder Outside a Cottage (Q20536693) 1640 Statens Museum for Kunst (Q671384)
Peasants Merrymaking (Q20536860) 1660 Museum of Fine Arts Boston (Q49133)
Peasants Gathered Round a Barrel (Q20536865) 1655 Museum of Fine Arts Boston (Q49133)
Making Merry in a Farm Cottage (Q20539222) 1670 Statens Museum for Kunst (Q671384)
A Room in a Cottage (Q20539945) 1636 Statens Museum for Kunst (Q671384)
Painter in His Studio (Q20809726) 1650 Philadelphia Museum of Art (Q510324)
Peasants Drinking and Making Music (Q20809727) 1647 Philadelphia Museum of Art (Q510324)
Peasants Drinking at a Window (Q20809728) Philadelphia Museum of Art (Q510324)
Peasants Making Merry (Q20809729) 1640 Philadelphia Museum of Art (Q510324)
Portrait of an Elderly Lady (Q20809731) Philadelphia Museum of Art (Q510324)
Woman Leaning out a Half-Door (Q20809732) 1660 Philadelphia Museum of Art (Q510324)
Slaughtered Ox (Q21504243) 1639 Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest (Q840886)
The Smoker (Q21614776) 1655 Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (Q1471477)
Inn Scene (Q21617773) 1650 Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (Q1471477)
Singing Man (Q21623441) 1700 Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (Q1471477)
Tavern Interior (Q21711566) Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum (Q176251)
Peasants Smoking and Drinking in a Tavern (Q21713340) Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum (Q176251)
Peasants in a Tavern (Q21730788) 1671 Hermitage Museum (Q132783)
Peasant family indoors (In the kitchen). (Q22084568) 1630 National Museum in Warsaw (Q153306)
Interior of a Peasant's Cottage with a Child about to be Fed (Q23920956) 1651 Royal Collection (Q1459037)
Interior of a Peasant's Cottage with a Child about to be Fed (Q23920956) 1651 Northbrook collection (Q97142972)
7 Peasants in a Tavern (Q23921378) 1665 Royal Collection (Q1459037)
7 Peasants in a Tavern (Q23921378) 1665 Northbrook collection (Q97142972)
Peasants Playing Cards (Q24018707) 1655 Kröller-Müller Museum (Q1051928)
A Peasant holding a Jug and a Pipe (Q26523725) 1655 National Gallery (Q180788)
Spinning woman by the window. (Q26657579) 1601 National Museum in Warsaw (Q153306)
Bust of a woman (Q26657852) 1601 National Museum in Warsaw (Q153306)
The Interior of an Inn (Q26700491) 1653 National Gallery (Q180788)
A Peasant courting an Elderly Woman (Q26705960) 1653 National Gallery (Q180788)
The Schoolmaster (Q26710060) 1662 Department of Paintings of the Louvre (Q3044768)
Q26956112 Groninger Museum (Q1542668)
Village Kitchen (Q27700190) 1632 Museo del Prado (Q160112)
Reading Aloud (Q27700193) 1632 Museo del Prado (Q160112)
Rustic Concert with Pipe and Violin (Q27700933) 1630 Museo del Prado (Q160112)
Rustic Concert with Pipe and Violin (Q27700933) 1635 Museo del Prado (Q160112)
Rustic Concert (Q27701565) 1638 Museo del Prado (Q160112)
Q27954398 National Museum of Fine Arts (Q1848918)
A Lawyer in his Study ('The Mayor') (Q27970378) 1677 National Galleries Scotland (Q2051997)
An Interior with a Pig's Carcass (Q27971532) 1650 National Galleries Scotland (Q2051997)
Three Peasants in a Tavern, round a Fire (Q28016160) 1667 Royal Collection (Q1459037)
Three Peasants in a Tavern, round a Fire (Q28016160) 1667 Northbrook collection (Q97142972)
An Evening Scene in a Tavern, with a Fiddler (Q28016438) 1655 Royal Collection (Q1459037)
An Evening Scene in a Tavern, with a Fiddler (Q28016438) 1655 Northbrook collection (Q97142972)
Interior of a Tavern with a Five Peasants and a Woman (Q28016938) 1646 Royal Collection (Q1459037)
Peasants in a barn (Q28020346) 1647 Kunsthistorisches Museum (Q95569)
Woman in a Window, with Beer-glass and Jug (Q28020348) 1665 Kunsthistorisches Museum (Q95569)
An elderly Couple in an Arbour (Q28030249) 1670 Royal Collection (Q1459037)
The Interior of a Peasant's Cottage (Q28030257) 1668 Royal Collection (Q1459037)
A Peasant Leaning on a Window Ledge (Q28031668) 1670 Royal Collection (Q1459037)
Interior with Drinking Figures and Crying Children (Q28039378) 1634 Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (Q1565911)
Villagers carrying peat into a house (Q28074207) 1665 Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
Villagers carrying peat into a house (Q28074207) 1665 Jacques Goudstikker collection (Q2284748)
Villagers carrying peat into a house (Q28074207) 1665 Hermann Göring Collection (Q2647884)
Villagers carrying peat into a house (Q28074207) 1665 Stichting Nederlands Kunstbezit (Q28045665)
Villagers carrying peat into a house (Q28074207) 1665 Collection Goudstikker heirs (Q28065304)
Villagers carrying peat into a house (Q28074207) 1665 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/83340C842E9B60356032C8EF87EEC9A3
Q28101119 Frans Hals Museum (Q574961)
Peasants Making Merry (Q28113431) 1630 Mauritshuis (Q221092)
A Couple Kissing in an Interior (Q29655980) 1650 Department of Paintings of the Louvre (Q3044768)
An Interior with a Bagpipe Player (Q29655983) 1650 Department of Paintings of the Louvre (Q3044768)
The Village School (Q29655985) 1641 Department of Paintings of the Louvre (Q3044768)
Tavern Interior with Peasants (Q29655988) 1636 Department of Paintings of the Louvre (Q3044768)
Reading the Newspaper (Q29655990) 1653 Department of Paintings of the Louvre (Q3044768)
A Man Reading a Paper (Q29655992) 1665 Department of Paintings of the Louvre (Q3044768)
A Reader in a Window (Q29655996) 1650 Department of Paintings of the Louvre (Q3044768)
The Drinker in the Window (Q29655998) 1650 Department of Paintings of the Louvre (Q3044768)
The Drinker (Q29656001) 1667 Department of Paintings of the Louvre (Q3044768)
A Man Smoking in an Inn (Q29656003) 1645 Department of Paintings of the Louvre (Q3044768)
Lawyer reading in his study (Q29656006) 1650 Department of Paintings of the Louvre (Q3044768)
Lawyer reading in his study (Q29656006) 1650 Musée national du Château de Fontainebleau (Q17560765)
Boisterous Peasants in an Inn (Q29881855) 1635 Bavarian State Painting Collections (Q812285)
Farmer's tavern (Q30093738) 1647 Bavarian State Painting Collections (Q812285)
The tavern (Q30094581) 1647 Bavarian State Painting Collections (Q812285)
Q30096250 1647 Bavarian State Painting Collections (Q812285)
Q30098821 1647 Bavarian State Painting Collections (Q812285)
The Fish Market (Q3224276) 1659 Department of Paintings of the Louvre (Q3044768)
Village scene with a hurdy-gurdy player (Q43842289) 1670 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/B61D4599175D1EFA6294C409380E17A5
Carousing Peasants (Q43881708) 1630 Norton Simon Museum (Q1752085)
Buying Fish (Q43979828) 1669 The Wallace Collection (Q1327919)
Village Tavern with Four Figures (Q44087420) 1635 Residenzgalerie Salzburg (Q1248553)
Drinking and Smoking in a Tavern (Q44088380) 1650 Residenzgalerie Salzburg (Q1248553)
A Man Holding a Lantern in a Window (Q44163155) 1640 Uffizi Gallery (Q51252)
Old Man Mending his Pen (Q44191887) 1670 Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest (Q840886)
An Itinerant Musician (Q44208665) 1650 Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum (Q1061094)
Interior with Two Boors & a Woman Conversing (Q44427654) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/612BF5867C3562A39DD1E13A64039F50
Drinkers in a Tavern (Q44435225) 1651 Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes (Q3098373)
Drinkers in a Tavern (Q44435225) 1670 Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes (Q3098373)
Q44443266 1632 Amsterdam Museum (Q1820897)
Peasants Carousing Outside of an Inn (Q44516192) 1670 National Trust (Q333515)
Quarrel (Q44526343) 1640 Kadriorg Art Museum (Q16412739)
Two Peasants Feasting (Q44705086) 1664 Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (Q653002)
Two Peasants Smoking (Q44705623) 1664 Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (Q653002)
Men and Women at a Country Inn (Q44708488) 1674 Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (Q653002)
Boisterous Peasants at an Inn (Q44711072) 1674 Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (Q653002)
A Physician Examining Urine (Q44713743) 1685 Wellcome Library (Q7981192)
A Peasant Family eating in an Interior (Q44841887) 1637 Ashmolean Museum (Q636400)
The Ballad-Monger (Q44847762) 1635 Holburne Museum (Q5878811)
Boors Drinking in a Barn (Q44921338) 1635 National Gallery of Ireland (Q2018379)
A Peasant Family in a Cottage (Q44930683) 1661 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/50561E002867B1E899045F188407EE2B
A Peasant Brawl (Q44938409) 1670 Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts (Q4872)
The Itinerant Musician (Q44941933) 1647 Victoria and Albert Museum (Q213322)
A Woman with a Jug in a Window (Q44944069) 1670 Musée de la Chartreuse de Douai (Q3001838)
Peasants making music (Q45025761) 1640 Cook collection (Q74149551)
Peasants making music (Q45025761) 1640 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/DB0182DE70B9611575373F9E35DA9B99
Travellers Halted at a Country Inn (Q45027908) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/B2B54989CBD522FF6D3F5A37452943F8
Interior with Peasants by a Fire (Q45050128) 1650 Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum (Q1061094)
Interior with Peasants by a Fire (Q45050128) 1650 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (Q41661713)
Two Men Drinking (Q45104402) 1632 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/9FF41298EC83E7AA82ACD1B2C24E3AF6
A Woman reading the News in front of a Cottage (Q45121055) 1644 Museum der bildenden Künste (Q566661)
Physician examining his own urine and feeling his heart-beat (Q47035731) 1665 Gemäldegalerie (Q165631)
Reading a Jest in the Village Inn (Q47545794) 1630 Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (Q414219)
Peasants Merrymaking in a Barn (Q49236284) 1635 Yale University Art Gallery (Q1568434)
Card-Players Fighting (Q50676645) 1760 Slovak National Gallery (Q1744024)
Fiddler at the door of a house (Q50820699) 1639 Fitzwilliam Museum (Q1421440)
Peasants smoking (Q50820700) Fitzwilliam Museum (Q1421440)
Peasants in a Tavern (Q50942700) Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest (Q840886)
Four Peasants in a Barn (Q51218448) 1800 Slovak National Gallery (Q1744024)
Q51218468 1675 Slovak National Gallery (Q1744024)
The Interior of an Inn with Peasants playing Cards (Q52145178) 1674 National Trust (Q333515)
The News (Q52145192) 1650 National Trust (Q333515)
The News (Q52145192) 1650 Ascott House (Q4804060)
Interior of an Inn (Q52149981) 1663 National Trust (Q333515)
Man reading (Q55432609) 1660 National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design (Q1132918)
Washing Woman (Q55627012) 1637 Hamburger Kunsthalle (Q169542)
Dancing Farmers in an Inn (Q55627556) 1645 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/C8D7C43A35E5D98D9397F379CD55D103
Q55768339 Art Museum of Estonia's Foreign Painting Collection (Q56189773)
Q55768358 Art Museum of Estonia's Foreign Painting Collection (Q56189773)
Merry Company before a Farmhouse (Q56034416) 1659 Hessen Kassel Heritage (Q1954840)
The Skittle Players (Q59392689) 1660 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/07C78F6C22BB2BF9CD9E5A840A117D1B
Ballplayers in the inn garden (Q59456438) 1660 Nivaagaard Museum (Q10601378)
Dancing to Music (Q59482172) 1660 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/97157CCC48A532D8039519365BA835C9
Interior of a butcher's shop (Q60448443) 1630 Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
Interior of a butcher's shop (Q60448443) 1630 Hermann Göring Collection (Q2647884)
Interior of a butcher's shop (Q60448443) 1630 Department of Paintings of the Louvre (Q3044768)
Interior of a butcher's shop (Q60448443) 1630 Musées Nationaux Récupération (Q19013512)
Peasant with a Passglass at a Window (Q61861386) 1665 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/17D84370EDD7C037E13678CB3F8B4618
Three Rhetoricians (Q61861642) 1665 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/47AEE31A5257AB463FF974AFEB2F8F4B
A Smoker (Q61861777) 1665 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/BA3E27BF941315614D9CDC33F01BCCFD
Two Peasants and a Woman at Music (Q61861989) 1665 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/AAC89C96641DDE833D7E5CE0C95C79DA
Two Peasants and a Woman in an Interior (Q61862333) 1665 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/64247A493874FA8684B533CFA331669F
Bagpiper at an Inn (Q61862555) 1665 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/9B0360FE3723AD5EA44EBC37D9D05E50
Q62422969 Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection (Q18600731)
Boisterous Peasants (Q63002174) 1660 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/1F03A50B2F23DF40AAEB90C02FECD709
A Gathering of Peasants (Q63004681) 1655 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/63ED2708C4CD4D1D8B7636FA7E1D9DA9
Villagers Merry-making with a Fiddler (Q63006644) 1640 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/1A34441A3BC1300BB74CE918659D1903
Peasants Playing Tric Trac (Q63008098) 1655 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/37F853D1BDE9C2850C33D813A02E0984
Peasants Dancing at an Inn (Q63008867) 1655 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/60E38FE0F4B4082E17E8063ECBE0580D
Interior of a Country Alehouse (Q63009287) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/54C6A87A262B4AD79A92D20501154F6B
A Woman Spinning, with Two Peasants in a Gateway (Q63012667) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/A56B94A3EBB3872B60069176674E3112
Four Peasants in an Inn (Q63013279) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/6DB8CBA4A5A36684C0BF07ADF9D3E04D
Dancing in the Barn (Q63014543) 1652 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/C159C4D4E4C817AB7CE7CC8469B95386
Interior of a Barn with Two Peasants Fighting (Q63182625) 1658 Manchester Art Gallery (Q2638817)
The Empty Jug (Q63533305) 1660 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/C958A4E3E61603122432B7E0FD9C32F3
Peasants at Home (Q63533614) 1660 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/02547F74FC11BF26D0D7DDB64B5B5DDD
Peasants in a Rustic Interior (Q63613642) 1634 Detroit Institute of Arts (Q1201549)
Head of a Girl (Q64539486) 1655 Detroit Institute of Arts (Q1201549)
Two Peasants Drinking (Q64682555) 1650 Museum der bildenden Künste (Q566661)
View of a Courtyard with Still-Life (Q64682639) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/A4B8C994B50C84F6EED226DEAA0FFEC0
Peasants Fighting at an Inn (Q64902555) 1650 Museum Mayer van den Bergh (Q1699233)
Peasants in an Interior (Q64913804) 1675 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/62D7E34F83A4F23631E58779ACCBECCE
An Old Drinker (Q64914553) 1675 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/AF800C86C198C8DD4830BE76333B6945
Three Peasants around a Cask (Q64915208) 1675 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/98D5900F5F3690C55B38DAB4C5D3CD2E
A Man reading the News (Sight) (Q71131278) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/C8D0861D27819235A2C8F37FE9C85C11
Peasant Dance by a Tavern (Q71286458) 1654 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/404C643FB12C3ED9DDD042BEB0B7C570
Villagers Merrymaking at an Inn (Q78673409) 1652 Toledo Museum of Art (Q1743116)
The Gazette Reader (Q86741416) 1655 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/7C766D6ACCB46473CCC49956A243BCC8
Peasants at an Inn, with a Dog (Q86745858) 1648 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/E3E92A6350E3F179D8E8F62E3382F77F
A Peasant Family at Home (Q86837491) 1665 Hermitage Museum (Q132783)
Boisterous Peasants at an Inn (Q86837790) 1655 Hermitage Museum (Q132783)
A Man Smoking at a Window (Q87070722) 1655 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/E9BBAF0705598D66D796F64838B640F6
The Lovers (Q87072076) 1660 Cook collection (Q74149551)
The Lovers (Q87072076) 1660 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/3D58DC148802F24062769D495EA7A5D8
A Smoker (Q87072650) 1655 Cook collection (Q74149551)
A Smoker (Q87072650) 1660 Cook collection (Q74149551)
A Smoker (Q87072650) 1655 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/F854BC5D0800F6868C813AAC6A1C1DAF
A Smoker (Q87072650) 1660 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/F854BC5D0800F6868C813AAC6A1C1DAF
Three peasants around a low table (Q87074163) 1655 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/24F3EC06EE1B8B7850678442B41A2155
A Hermit in his Cell (Q87127733) 1655 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/50FE821265193F23D78B1FB78A63DCC1
Carousing peasants in a barn (Q97619274) 1635 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/5177280E389189EBFEBE7E68220C7C30
Peasants singing in a barn (Q97619989) 1635 Landesmuseum Hannover (Q314082)
A Peasant Woman (Q98217146) 1655 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/1CA139373ACB44C2BA8B545E7DF4C856
Peasants around a Barrel in an Inn (Q98637568) 1665 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/C37532BEA0CA96E0CBB2FD47B4786602
Interior of a Cottage with peasants (Q98639092) 1655 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/76DD5010F1663B8B437B1FD13EF990B8