Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/RKD to match/Alte Pinakothek
This page gives an overview of Alte Pinakothek paintings in RKDimages that are not in use on a painting item here on Wikidata in the Bavarian State Painting Collections (Q812285)/Alte Pinakothek (Q154568) collection. This pages is split up in several sections.
Auto added links
editA maxiumum of 0 links have been added in the previous bot run. Please review. If you find an incorrect link, you have two options:
- Move it to the right painting in the same collection.
- Set the rank to deprecated so the bot won't add it again.
Links to add on next run
editOn this run the bot added a maximum of 0 links. Next up are these links.
- Cupid (Eros) Carves the Bow (Q29866378) - 309987 - 1304 - Cupido maakt zijn boog - Cupid shaping his bow
- Q29918994 - 309995 - [None 2746] - Gezicht op de Utrechtse stadsmuur met de 'toren met de boom', de Mariawaterpoort en de Smeetoren in een gefantaseerd landschap - View of the Utrecht city wall with the 'tower with the tree', the Mariawaterpoort and the Smeetoren in a fantasized landscape
- Gothic Church Interior (Q29909852) - 309845 - [None 5997] - Interieur van de Onze Lieve Vrouwekathedraal te Antwerpen - Interior of the Antwerp Cathedral of Our Lady
Suggestions to add
editThese suggestions are based on same collection and inventory number, but not a link to the same RKDartist. This can have several reasons:
- It's a (completely) different painting. Just skip it.
- Same painting, but Wikidata and RKD don't agree on the creator. Just add the link. You could check and maybe correct the creator.
- Same painting, Wikidata and RKD agree on the creator, but the creator doesn't have the RKDartists ID (P650) link. Just add the link. You can also add the missing RKDartists link to the creator.
No matches found
editFor the following links, no direct matches were found. This is the puzzle part.
- If the id is used on an item not in Bavarian State Painting Collections (Q812285), it will be mentioned here.
- If painter has other works in Bavarian State Painting Collections (Q812285), these will be suggested.
- 47906 - None - Portret van een man - Portrait of a man -> Id already in use on Portrait of a man (Q121504670)
- 50936 - None - De aanbidding van de Wijzen - None -> Id already in use on Adoration of the Magi (Q117228177)
- 31227 - None - Venus en Cupido - None -> Id already in use on Q121462158
- 116103 - None - Boslandschap met Diana en haar nimfen na de jacht en de visvangst - Wooded landscape with Diana and her nymphs and their hunting game -> Paintings by Jan Breughel (II) that still need a link: Q30055856, Q30057265
- 190617 - None - Portret van een grote groep notabelen - Portrait of 27 dignitaries
- 245448 - None - De gevangenneming van Simson (Rechters 16:19-21) - Samson taken by the Philistines (Judges 16:19-21) -> Id already in use on Samson taken by the Philistines (Judges 16:19-21) (Q121540877)
- 229303 - None - Portret van Wladislaus IV, koning van Polen (1595-1648) - Portrait of King Ladislaus IV Vasa (1595-1648)
- 284603 - None - Portret van een onbekende man - Portrait of an unknown man -> Paintings by Johann Georg Ziesenis that still need a link: Q29912072, Clement Francis of Bavaria (Q30057584), Q30056444, Q29952410, Q29964621, Countess Palatine Elisabeth Auguste of Sulzbach (1721-1794) (Q29959619), Q30098832, Q30057335, Q29905847, Q30094165, Q29958669, Q30056345, Maximilian IV Joseph of Bavaria as child with the Order of St. Hubert (Q29939220), Q29917191
- 250024 - None - Oude vrouw die het haar van een jongen kamt - Old woman combing a boy's hair -> Id already in use on A Woman combing a Boy's Hair (Q66760063)
- 294641 - None - Christus aan het kruis met Maria en Johannes - Christ on the cross with Mary and John -> Id already in use on Christ on the cross with Mary and John (Q116945536)
- 300477 - None - Maria met kind en een monnik - Mary and child and a monk -> Id already in use on Mary and child and a monk (Q121698506)
- 21838 - None - Allegorie op de vruchtbaarheid - Allegory of fertility -> Id already in use on Allegory of fertility (Q120777946)
- 28497 - None - De val van Troje - None -> Id already in use on Q121241976
- 271466 - None - De Heilige Familie tijdens de rust op de vlucht naar Egypte - The Holy Family during the rest on the flight to Egypt -> Id already in use on The Holy Family during the rest on the flight to Egypt (Q116913562)
- 246879 - None - Job gekweld door demonen en zijn vrouw (Job 1-42) - Job tormented by demons and abused by his wife (Job 1-42) -> Id already in use on Job tormented by demons and abused by his wife (Job 1-42) (Q121541031)
- 290071 - 1019 - Engel van de Annunciatie - Angel of the Annunciation -> Id already in use on Angel of the Annunciation (Q30093988)
- 202114 - 10763 - Stilleven met porseleinen kan - Still life with porcelain jug -> Paintings by Willem Kalf that still need a link: Still Life with a Ming Jug (Q29914042), Q30099443
- 108283 - 12026 - Reizigers met pakpaarden en vee op een bergpad langs een snelstromende beek - Travellers with horses and cattle on a mountain track alongside a stream
- 102429 - 12477 - Berglandschap met de gelijkenisl van de Barmhartige Samaritaan (Lucas 10:25-37) - Mountainous landscape with the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) -> Id already in use on Mountainous landscape with the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) (Q121552205)
- 194385 - 1280 - Bordeelscène met slapend paar - Brothel scene with a sleeping couple -> Id already in use on Brothel scene with a sleeping couple (Q30056880)
- 19627 - 13181 - De ontmoeting van Abram [Abraham] en Melchisedek, de hogepriester-koning van Salem (Genesis 14:18-24) - The meeting of Abram [Abraham] and Melchizedek, the high-priest and king of Salem (Genesis 14:18-24) -> Id already in use on The meeting of Abram [Abraham] and Melchizedek, the high-priest and king of Salem (Genesis 14:18-24) (Q120536277)
- 278231 - 1416 - De kruisiging - The Crucifixion -> Id already in use on The Crucifixion (Q16691214)
- 19063 - 154 (cat. 1898) - De rust op de vlucht naar Egypte. In de achtergrond de kindermoord te Bethlehem - None -> Id already in use on Q120488537
- 19105 - 1800 (cat. 1957) - Stilleven met jachtbuit, vruchten, bloemen en muziekinstrumenten; rechts een doorkijk naar een parkachtige tuin - None -> Id already in use on Q120488559
- 17851 - 1805 (cat. 1936) - Stilleven van vruchten, jachtbuit en kreeft; links een jongen die een gordijn ophoudt met aan zijn voeten twee honden en een kat - None -> Id already in use on Q120217216
- 18328 - 203 (cat. 1957) - Hertenjacht - A deer chased by foxhounds -> Id already in use on A deer chased by foxhounds (Q116913561)
- 245996 - 206 (cat. 1936) - Interieur met een bode die een brief aanreikt aan een jonge vrouw - Interior with a courier handing over a letter to a young woman -> Paintings by Gerard ter Borch (II) that still need a link: Woman sewing with Maid (Q29946712), Q30099733, Portrait of a Woman (Q30057511), Portrait of a Man (Q29915995)
- 18742 - 24316 - Stilleven van jachtbuit, bloemen en vruchten op tafel; rechtsonder een hond - None -> Id already in use on Q120435643
- 18326 - 259 (cat. 1957) - Zwijnenjacht - Boar hunting -> Id already in use on Boar hunting (Q116913560)
- 49975 - 351 - Nike kroont de overwinnaar met een lauwerkrans - None -> Id already in use on Q121539959
- 218798 - 5352, 668, 669 - Drieluik met het martelaarschap van de Heilige Sebastiaan (middenpaneel); de Heilige Barbara (binnenzijde linkerluik); de Heilige Elisabeth van Thüringen (rechterluik); de annunciatie (buitenzijde luiken) - None -> Id already in use on Q121688484
- 42037 - 538 (cat. 1957) - Portret van een man - Portrait of a man -> Id already in use on Portrait of a man (Q121503639)
- 21837 - 5531 - Allegorie op de vruchtbaarheid - Allegory of fertility -> Id already in use on Allegory of fertility (Q120777945)
- 227925 - 559 (cat. 1900) - Strandgezicht met visverkoop bij een hut, geheel links een jager en een zittende visser - None -> Paintings by Hendrick Verschuring that still need a link: Q29920776, Q30094325, Q29921139
- 289823 - 5640 - Tafereel uit de boerenoorlog - Scene of the Peasant War -> Id already in use on Scene of the Peasant War (Q121697578)
- 228194 - 6063 - Zuidelijk landschap met ruïne en figuren - None
- 37111 - 6628/1412 - Schepen in moeilijkheden bij stormachtig weer - None -> Id already in use on Q122227673
- 278245 - 691 - De zelfmoord van Lucretia - The Suicide of Lucretia -> Id already in use on Suicide of Lucretia (Q16369646)
- 289867 - 694 - Portret van een onbekende man - Portrait of an unknown man -> Id already in use on Portrait of a Young Man (Q3937701)
- 289871 - 709 - Maria als Mater Dolorosa - Mary as Mater Dolorosa -> Id already in use on Sorrowing mother (Q16055586)
- 259998 - 776, 777, 1728-1730, 1737, 4979 - Jachtcyclus van Schloß Bensberg - Hunting cycle of Schloß Bensberg -> Id already in use on Hunting cycle of Schloß Bensberg (Q116918546)
- 306616 - 7818A - Sint-Nicolaas geeft geschenken aan drie arme meisjes - Saint Nicholas gives gifts to three poor girls -> Id already in use on Stories of St. Nicholas. Saint Nicholas presenting Gifts to Three Pool girls (Q121547861)
- 297117 - 7818B - Heilige Sint Nikolaas helpt bij zeeramp - Saint Nicolas saving a sinking ship -> Id already in use on Saint Nicholas and the storm (Q121547854)
- 306618 - 7819A - Sint-Julianus vermoordt zijn ouders - Saint Julian murders his parents -> Id already in use on Saint Julian killing his parents (Q121547862)
- 306619 - 7819B - Boetedoening van Sint-Julianus - Penance of Saint Julian -> Id already in use on Storie di san giuliano (Q121547863)
- 51395 - Blg. 167 - Stilleven met siervaatwerk en fruit - None -> Id already in use on Q123144849
- 285355 - L 705 - Portret van Balthazar Camerlocher - Portrait of Balthazar Camerlocher -> Paintings by Nikolaus Prucker that still need a link: Q30099978, Q30093767
- 285356 - L 706 - Portret van de echtgenote van Balthazar Camerlocher - Portrait of the wife of Balthazar Camerlocher -> Paintings by Nikolaus Prucker that still need a link: Q30099978, Q30093767
- 107979 - L. 821 - Maria met Kind en een engel met de werktuigen van de Passie - None -> Id already in use on Q121501122
- 289893 - MP 4721 - Judith - Judith -> Id already in use on Judith (Q121697581)
- 265884 - MP- 658 - Portret van een jonge man met een rood hoofddeksel - Portrait of a young man with red headgear -> Id already in use on Portrait of a young man with red headgear (Q121547758)
- 296313 - MP1145 - Kruisafneming - Descent from the cross -> Id already in use on Descent from the cross (Q121698213)
- 296315 - MP14196 - Maria met kind - Virgin with child -> Paintings by Adriaen van der Werff that still need a link: Q30095051, Portrait of Johann Wilhelm, Elector Palatine (Q30098221), Q29901278
- 306643 - WAF 238 - Rust op de vlucht naar Egypte - Rest on the Flight into Egypt -> Id already in use on Rest on the Flight into Egypt (Q121547864)
edit- RKDimages in this collection: 998
- Needing a link: 57
- Auto added links this run: 0
- To auto add nex run: 3
- Number of suggestions: 0
- No suggestion, but in use on another item: 42
- No suggestion, but paintings available by the same painter: 8
- No suggestion and nothing found: 4