Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/RKD to match/Staatliches Museum Schwerin

This page gives an overview of Staatliches Museum Schwerin paintings in RKDimages that are not in use on a painting item here on Wikidata in the Staatliches Museum Schwerin (Q2324618) collection. This pages is split up in several sections.


A maxiumum of 0 links have been added in the previous bot run. Please review. If you find an incorrect link, you have two options:

  1. Move it to the right painting in the same collection.
  2. Set the rank to deprecated so the bot won't add it again.


On this run the bot added a maximum of 0 links. Next up are these links.

Suggestions to add


These suggestions are based on same collection and inventory number, but not a link to the same RKDartist. This can have several reasons:

  1. It's a (completely) different painting. Just skip it.
  2. Same painting, but Wikidata and RKD don't agree on the creator. Just add the link. You could check and maybe correct the creator.
  3. Same painting, Wikidata and RKD agree on the creator, but the creator doesn't have the RKDartists ID (P650) link. Just add the link. You can also add the missing RKDartists link to the creator.

No matches found


For the following links, no direct matches were found. This is the puzzle part.

  1. If the id is used on an item not in Staatliches Museum Schwerin (Q2324618), it will be mentioned here.
  2. If painter has other works in Staatliches Museum Schwerin (Q2324618), these will be suggested.

  • 270232 - None - Muskus eenden - Muscovy ducks
  • 273219 - G 1048 - Portret van Denner's dochter Esther (ca. 1710-ca. 1760) - Portrait of Denner's daughter Esther (ca. 1710-ca. 1760)
  • 269703 - G 2296 - Nimfen in een grot met klassieke sculpturen - Nymphs in a cave with classical sculpture
  • 271704 - G 2312 - Een schilder - A painter
  • 270088 - G 2398 - Bosrijke Italiaanse berglandschap met ruïne - Wood Italian mountaon landscape with ruins
  • 273222 - G 241 - Portret van een jonge vrouw - Portrait of a young woman
  • 273221 - G 2452 - De laatste brief - The final letter
  • 273224 - G 252 - Portret van Ulrike Sophia von Mecklenburg als jong meisje (1723-1813) - Portrait of Ulrike Sophia von Mecklenburg as a young girl (1723-1813)
  • 273225 - G 256 - Portret van Hertog Ludwig von Mecklenburg-Schwerin, als prince (1725-1778) - Portrait of Duke Ludwig von Mecklenburg-Schwerin, as prince (1725-1778)
  • 273226 - G 264 - Kinderportret van prinses Amalie von Mecklenburg-Schwerin (1732-1775) - portrait of prinsess Amalie von Mecklenburg-Schwerin (1732-1775)
  • 273233 - G 268 - Portret van Hertog Friedrich von Mecklenburg-Schwerin, als kroonprince (1717-1785) - Portrait Duke Friedrich von Mecklenburg-Schwerin, as heir apparent (1717-1785)
  • 270077 - G 301 - Portret van een jonge dame - Portrait of a young lady
  • 270432 - G 342 - Jacht van Diana - Diana and the hunt
  • 270829 - G 374 - Brand in de nacht - Fire at night
  • 270715 - G 3888 - Schepen op een ruwe zee - Ships on a choppy sea
  • 270231 - G 403 - Haan, kip en kuikens - Rooster, chicken and chicks
  • 273234 - G 556 - Portret van Hertog Lodewijk von Mecklenburg-Schwerin, als kind (1725-1778) - Portrait of Duke Louis von Mecklenburg-Schwerin, as a child (1725-1778)
  • 273216 - G 557 - Portret van Hertogin Amalie von Mecklenburg-Schwerin (1732-1775) - Portrait of Duchess Amalie von Mecklenburg-Schwerin (1732-1775)
  • 273238 - G 626 - Portret van een oude man - Portrait of an old man
  • 273239 - G 627 - Portret van een jonge man - Portrait of an young man
  • 273217 - G 696 - Portret van Hertog Friedrich von Mecklenburg-Schwerin als kroonprins (1717-1785) - Portrait of Duke Friedrich von Mecklenburg-Schwerin as crown prince (1717-1785)
  • 273241 - G 798 - Portret van een jonge man in een gepoederde pruik - Portrait of a young man in a powdered wig
  • 273243 - G 981 - Portret van Hertog Friedrich von Mecklenburg-Schwerin, als kroonprins (1717-1785) - Portrait of Duke Friedrich von Mecklenburg-Schwerin, as heir apparent (1717-1785)


  • RKDimages in this collection: 669
  • Needing a link: 23
  • Auto added links this run: 0
  • To auto add nex run: 0
  • Number of suggestions: 0
  • No suggestion, but in use on another item: 0
  • No suggestion, but paintings available by the same painter: 0
  • No suggestion and nothing found: 23