Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Top collections by number of paintings with at least one owner

The number of painting (Q3305213) items per collection (P195) with owned by (P127) -> human (Q5) art collector (descending order):
Note that some paintings were commissioned by institutions (such as churches, city halls, etc) and were never owned by humans, and thus are not counted in this list.

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item (COUNT(DISTINCT ?painting) AS ?count) WHERE { ?painting wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 . ?painting wdt:P195 ?item . ?painting wdt:P127 ?owner. ?owner wdt:P31 wd:Q5. } GROUP BY ?item ORDER BY DESC(?count) LIMIT 100
label description total
Department of Paintings of the Louvre curatorial department of the Louvre in charge of most of the European paintings collection 2397
Rijksmuseum museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands 1709
Metropolitan Museum of Art art museum in New York City, United States 1260
Philadelphia Museum of Art art museum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1145
Museo del Prado Spanish national art museum in Madrid, Spain 1055
Musée d'Orsay art museum in Paris, France 745
Jan Michiel Pieter Glerum collection private collection of art assembled by Jan Michiel Pieter Glerum 652
The Wallace Collection art museum in London, England, UK 647
Fabre museum municipal museum of Montpellier Urban Community 621
European Paintings curatorial department of The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, USA 600
Royal Collection art collection of the British royal family spread among more than thirteen royal residences and former residences 524
Condé Museum museum in France in the Château de Chantilly 507
Hermitage Museum museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia 495
King Baudouin Foundation Belgian Foundation 490
Collection Thomas Neirynck private collection of Thomas Neirynck 462
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum art museum in Boston, Massachusetts, United States 411
Beaux-Arts Mons art museum in Mons, Belgium 382
Dulwich Picture Gallery art gallery in Dulwich, South London, United Kingdom 370
Amsterdam Museum museum in Amsterdam 368
New-York Historical Society American history museum and library located in New York City 360
Grand ducal collection, Oldenburg collection of the grand dukes of Oldenburg Germany up to abdication, 1804-1918 352
Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum art museum in Madrid, Spain 341
Munich Central Collecting Point depot used by the Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives program after the end of the Second World War to process, photograph and redistribute artwork and cultural artefacts that had been confiscated by the Nazis and hidden throughout Germany and Austria 324
Campana collection set of artworks collected by Giampietro Campana during the 19th century 308
Stichting Nederlands Kunstbezit Dutch repatriated art collection after WWII, founded in 1945 and merged with DRVK in 1951 as institution for the recovery of Dutch art posessions after World War II 306
Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya art museum in Barcelona, Catalonia 302
National Gallery of Art national art museum in Washington, D.C. 291
San Diego Museum of Art art museum in San Diego, California 291
Fitzwilliam Museum art and antiquities museum of the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom 272
Jacques Goudstikker collection art collection and trading stock of Dutch art dealer Jacques Goudstikker. A 1940 firesale was forced in Amsterdam to nazi art thieves 270
Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte art collection and museums in Oldenburg, Germany. It includes the old Augusteum building, which still retains the flavor of the old grand-ducal collection 266
Hallwyl Museum historic house museum in Stockholm, Sweden 250
Cook collection art collection formerly located in Doughty House, Richmond, UK 249
Instituut Collectie Nederland defunct Dutch national collection of moveable heritage objects 246
Musée Cognacq-Jay museum in Paris, France 242
Fop Smit collection private art collection 241
Musée du Petit Palais museum and art gallery in Avignon, southern France 226
Dienst Verspreide Rijkscollecties Dutch national (repatriated) art collection, organization founded in 1949 (Dienst voor 's Rijks Verspreide Kunstvoorwerpen (DRVK)) 223
Rijksdienst Beeldende Kunst Dutch organization 222
collection Adriaan van der Hoop collection of art and books owned by the Dutch banker and politician Adriaan van der Hoop 221
Hermann Göring Collection art collection assembled through Nazi plunder by organization of Hermann Goering 219
Charles Sedelmeyer collection stock and personal art collection owned by Charles Sedelmeyer, much of which was sold in 1907 after the death of his wife 216
National Trust conservation organization in England, Wales and Northern Ireland 212
Musée d'art moderne de Paris museum dedicated to modern and contemporary art of the 20th and 21st centuries, Paris 210
Kunsthistorisches Museum art museum in Vienna, Austria 207
Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection State art collection maintained by the Netherlands Cultural Heritage Agency 205
National Gallery art museum in London, England 203
Collection Goudstikker heirs the part of the Goudstikker art collection that has been determined to belong to the heirs of Jacques Goudstikker (only those artworks "stolen" or "sold by force" during or just before WWII) 197
Museum of Fine Arts of Reims museum in Reims, France 195
SØR Rusche Collection art collection in Oelde, Germany, mostly sold in 2019 193
Museum of the History of France museum in the Palace of Versailles 179
Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe museum in Karlsruhe, Germany 177
Wallraf–Richartz Museum art museum in Cologne, Germany 171
Führermuseum unrealized art museum planned by Adolf Hitler 169
Gemäldegalerie, Berlin art museum in Berlin, Germany 159
Museum of Fine Arts Boston art museum in Boston, Massachusetts, United States 152
Charles Sedelmeyer Austrian art dealer (1837-1925) 145
David Bowie's art collection private collection of artworks owned by David Bowie 143
Frans Buffa & sons publisher and art dealership 138
Mauritshuis art museum in The Hague, Netherlands 134
The Frick Collection art museum in New York City 133
Fondation Corboud art collection with 170 paintings owned by Mirasol and Gérard Corboud, on loan to the Wallraf-Richartz museum since 2001 129
Palace of Versailles palace in Versailles, France and location of the Museum of the History of France 119
Art Institute of Chicago art museum and school in Chicago, United States 113
Collection Rau for UNICEF art collection of Gustav Rau, donated to UNICEF 110
Kabinet van Heteren Gevers art collection of A.L. van Heteren; purchased by the Rijksmuseum in 1809 109
National museum of modern art national museum for modern art of France located in the Centre Pompidou in Paris 109
Birmingham Museum of Art art museum in Birmingham, Alabama 109
Fondation Custodia organization that manages the Friz Lugt collection of Netherlandish art, located in Paris, France 104
Museum der bildenden Künste art museum in Leipzig, Germany 99
Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium group of art museums in Brussels, Belgium 97
Bavarian State Painting Collections artworks held by the Free State of Bavaria for Alte Pinakothek, Aschaffenburg, Bamberg, Bayreuth, Schleissheim and others 93
Samuel H. Kress Collection art collection 91
Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris museum of fine arts, one of 14 museums of the City of Paris 87
Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts museum of European art in Moscow 86
Cleveland Museum of Art art museum in Cleveland, Ohio 85
Adolphe Schloss collection French art collection formed mostly in the 1890s by the couple Mathilde Lucie & Adolphe Schloss 85
Nantes Museum of Arts arts museum in Nantes, France 84
Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Angers museum in Angers, France 83
Norton Simon Museum art museum in Pasadena, California 80
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen art museum in Rotterdam, Netherlands 80
Nederlandsch Museum voor Geschiedenis en Kunst former national history museum of the Netherlands (1885-1927), mostly absorbed by the Rijksmuseum 80
Museum of Modern Art art museum in Manhattan in New York City, New York, United States 79
Kunstmuseum Bern museum in the city of Bern, Switzerland 78
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux museum of fine arts in Bordeaux, France 77
Detroit Institute of Arts art museum in Detroit, Michigan 76
Artotheque Mons museum in Mons, Belgium 75
Ashmolean Museum museum in Oxford, England, UK 71
musée d'Art moderne de Troyes museum in Troyes, France 71
Kunsthandel P. de Boer Dutch art gallery and collection 67
Carnegie Museum of Art museum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 67
Directie van de Levantse handel en de Navigatie op de Middellandse Zee defunct Dutch institute 1625-1826 65
Koninklijk Kabinet van Zeldzaamheden museum in The Hague, Netherlands 65
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco public arts institution in the city of San Francisco; comprises the de Young Museum in Golden Gate Park and the Legion of Honor in Lincoln Park 65
Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille art museum in Lille, France 62
Northbrook collection art collection owned by the family of the Barons, later the Earls of Northbrook 62
Baltimore Museum of Art art museum in Baltimore, Maryland, USA 60
Musée Grobet-Labadié museum at Marseille in France 59
Bryan Gallery of Christian Art public museum in NYC founded by Thomas J. Bryan in 1853 59
Kunstmuseum Basel art museum in Basel, Switzerland 58
End of automatically generated list.