Hello! This is Arjun Dahal, shouting with his firm Mental Asylum of Education, hoping to make this wikipage much better, and broader, with topics of publications.

https://vixra.org/author/arjun_dahal OID: Private Enterprise Number (PEN): 57490 Wikidata ID : (Q43649390) Network Time Protocol (NTP) : ArjunDahal Twiki: arjundahalard ORCID : http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7796-7971 Ringgold ID: 598342 Blog:https://arjundahal.blogspot.com Geonames: arjundahalard IRC: arjundahalard PURL:/arjundahalard PURL:/Mental_Asylum_of_Education Worldcat Registry ID: 269201 IATI Organization Identifier: NP-IRD-123822525

Address: Gauradaha-3, Jhapa Postal Address: 57216 P.O. Box 1