Wikidata:WikiProject MLA Linked Data Working Group/Other Wikidata Projects

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LDWG members have worked on various Wikidata projects in the last few years, both independently and with the support of the group. Links to the project pages for some of these are below.

Chopin Thematic Catalog Concordance edit

The Chopin Thematic Catalog Concordance project (Q121600181) is an effort by members of LDWG to create and enhance Wikidata items for Frédéric Chopin's musical works, with a specific focus on adding thematic catalog numbers from the relevant thematic catalogs, each of which uses a separate numbering scheme: the Brown catalog, Chomiński catalog, and Kobylańska catalog.

Link to project page: Wikidata:WikiProject Chopin Thematic Catalog Concordance

Vivaldi Thematic Catalog Concordance edit

The Vivaldi Thematic Catalog Concordance project (Q118444558) is an effort by LDWG to create and enhance Wikidata items for all of Antonio Vivaldi's works and to establish concordance functionality by adding catalog code (P528) statements for each thematic index that lists the work. For Vivaldi, these include the primary Ryom-Verzeichnis (RV), as well as the Fanna catalogue, Pincherle catalog, Rinaldi catalog, and the Bachmann catalog.

Link to project page: Wikidata:Wikiproject Vivaldi Thematic Catalog Concordance

Piano Roll Project edit

WikiProject Piano Rolls originated as part of the Stanford Piano Roll Program, a collaboration between Stanford Libraries and the Stanford University Department of Music to digitize, preserve and make available scans of most player piano rolls held in Stanford Libraries’ collections. Participants are creating Wikidata items representing these piano rolls.

Link to project page: Wikidata:WikiProject Piano Rolls