Wikidata:WikiProject MLA Linked Data Working Group/Resources

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Navigating your account edit

The basics edit

  • Create a Wikidata username
  • Create or update your Wikidata user page
    • If you are logged in, the link above will resolve to your specific user page, where you can introduce yourself to other editors and list projects or items that you want to work on or keep track of
    • If you haven't visited this page before, click "create this page", add some text, then click "Publish page" to create your user page
  • Visit the Preferences page to edit your profile, adjust site appearance, and add additional functionality to your Wikidata experience

Enhancing Wikidata edit

  • The Gadgets tab, under Preferences, allows you to toggle on enhanced functionality like keyboard shortcuts, item merging, and duplicating references; read the descriptions of the gadgets, toggle them on with the checkboxes, and click "Save"
  • Create your common.js page and add user scripts for even more functionality
    • While gadgets are internal to Wikidata, scripts are created by other users to build additional functionality into the Wikidata interface
    • Learn more about scripts here
  • This video provides a helpful overview of recommended gadgets and scripts and how to add them

Recommended gadgets edit

  • DuplicateReferences: Adds a link to copy references and add them to other statements on the same item
  • Merge: This gadget adds a tool for merging items, helpful if you discover you have created a duplicate
  • labelLister: Show and edit labels, descriptions and aliases from other languages
  • moveClaim: A tool to move or copy a statement from one entity to another
  • Descriptions: Show the description of items and properties when hovering them
  • Recoin: a script that extends Wikidata entity pages with information about the relative completeness of the information
  • relateditems: Adds a button to the bottom of item pages to display inverse statements

Learning Wikidata edit

Training Modules edit

These free online courses provide a much more comprehensive overview than you will need to participate in the Working Week. If you're interested in learning more, however, we recommend them!

Videos edit

Other edit

The LD4 project Wikidata page offers Practical Wikidata for Librarians, a site that brings together many useful links, explanations, and training resources.