Wikidata:Status updates/2020 06 08

This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2020-06-08.

Discussions edit

Events edit

Press, articles, blog posts, videos edit

Tool of the week edit

  • QuickStatements lets you edit thousands of Wikidata items at a time. Add labels and descriptions, or statements with sources and qualifiers, add sitelinks, create or merge items, or remove statements that were created in error. Batches can be discussed and, if necessary, reverted in full through the EditGroups tool.

Other Noteworthy Stuff edit

Did you know? edit

Development edit

  • Wikidata Bridge: Made a number of technical improvements to wrap up the work in the first version.
  • Reference Hunt: Making final technical improvements and are now running the process to find references on the whole of Wikidata (as opposed to the initial small subset for testing). Once that's done we'll release them as a dump.
  • Easier access to data for programmers: Researching and interviewing ways to improve the APIs in preparation for working on them.
  • Query builder: Working on defining the first version and creating mockups based on the feedback we received.
  • Use modern TypeScript syntax (3.2 -> 3.9) (phab:T253211)
  • More technical documentation for Federated Properties (phab:T252991) & preparing for the next steps
  • Convert some properties to external identifiers (phab:T253722)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Monthly Tasks edit