

Norton Case Referred To State

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Student Assault Charged. Norton Case Referred To State. (English)
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28 June 1969
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Charges made against James Norton, high school physics teacher accused of striking a student, have been referred by school trustees to the state commissioner of education. The action came last night after Norton failed to appear at a Board of Education bearing scheduled to hear the teacher's response to charges made against him by George Najemian, former school board candidate. (English)
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Charges made against James Norton, high school physics teacher accused of striking a student, have been referred by school trustees to the state commissioner of education. The action came last night after Norton failed to appear at a Board of Education bearing scheduled to hear the teacher's response to charges made against him by George Najemian, former school board candidate. Najemian claims ,the 39-year-old Norton struck his son, a student at the school. He has filed civil charges against Norton as well. "The Ridgefield Board of Education feels it has no alternative other than to refer these charges to the state Commissioner of Education for his action," said a board statement read last night by School Supt. W. Arthur Skewes when Norton did not show up. Norton, suspended by the board last year on similar charges involving another student, and later reinstated as charges were dropped, was not suspended this time. School is no longer in session and teachers and students are away, said Skewes when asked why the board had not suspended Norton. The board would not comment on what status Norton would have in September should the commissioner not reach a decision by that time. Reached later at his home, Norton said his attorney, … (English)
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