

witchcraft investigation of Gelie Duncan

historical event recorded in 16th-18th century Scotland

  • Case of Gelie Duncan


0 references
Detailed ritual with four joints tied to the feet of a cat and cast into the sea to raise a wind. She handled the cloth and clay pictures. (English)
Part of the North Berwick witch hunt. It involved many people and many accusations about witches meetings, specifically two separate attempts to sink the royal ships. The first to sink Queen Anne on her way home, second to trouble King James after he went to get her in Denmark. We have her confessions and she denounced Bothwell. She said she heard Bothwell talking about plans, but never saw him.She confessed to having a meeting with Agnes Sampson and others where they ate sweat meats, roasted fowl and drank by the sea. She was described as dancing and playing the trump for the rest of the gathering. part of the planning of the conspiracy to sink Queen Anne's ships on the way from Denmark. See Agnes Sampson's case for description of North Berwick meeting (c/egd/63). See napier (c/egd/103) for description of preparation for North Berwick. See also Napier (c/egd/103) for more details about the North Berwick meeting. She said they were paid gold, silver and victual for Sampson and her children. She confessed about the destroying of a ship and taking all the wealth, they were 'crabit' because Grierson got all the 'wrake'.Transferred illness from a man to a dog. (English)

