

1697 witchcraft investigation of 0 witches C/LA/3235

historical event recorded in 16th-18th century Scotland


The Privy Council granted a commission of investigation to look into the witchcraft accusations made by Cristian Shaw. The commission allows for investigation, witness depositions, and giving caution to stand trial. But they needed permission to arrest suspects. They were to report back to the Privy Council by 10 March. That was done on 19/1/1697. Then the Privy Council issued a commission to try 24 named people in Renfrewshire (their records are updated with this info.), the Privy Counicl agreed to appoint 'such a somme as they shall think fitt' for imprisoning and trying the Refrewshire witches. That was from 9 March 1697. This commission gives concrete instructions as to how the commissioners were required to set up court and run the trial. The the Privy Council agreed to let the commissioners hold courts at Paisley, Glasgow or anywhere else in Renfrewshire this was on 5 April 1697. By 4 October 1698 the sheriff depute wrote a letter to the Privy Council requesting further funds for the maintanence of people in prison or a commission to try them. The Privy Council agreed to pass the matter over to the Lord advocate and to reimburse who ever maintained the suspects. On 12 January 1699 the Privy Council authorised the Sheriff depute to maintain each prison with not more than one groat each per day to be reimbursed by the treasury. (English)

