

Memoir of Bishop Seabury



Memoir of Bishop Seabury (English)
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"The story of Bishop Seabury seems, so far as concerns the survival of materials out of which it can be constructed, to begin soon after the completion of his college course at Yale in 1748, while he was in the nineteenth year of his age. For the answer to questions of interest as to the influences under which he grew up, we are thus left somewhat to our imagination. We are not, however, altogether without facts on which it is safe to encourage the imagination to work. The character of his father, the Rev'd. Samuel Seabury, M.A., seems to have been such as to entitle him to universal respect, and to make him especially fitted to influence the son. From his mother, all that the Bishop could have derived must have been by inheritance rather than by personal influence. Abigail Mumford, his father's first wife, died in 1730, or 1731, after a married life of about four years, during which she had given birth to two sons--Caleb, born February 27, 1728, and Samuel, the subject of the present Memoir, born on the Feast of St. Andrew (November 30), 1729. She was the daughter of that Thomas Mumford who was Warden of the Church of St. James, New London, of which her husband was the first Rector, and who belonged to a family of some eminence in the history of the Colonies of Rhode Island and Connecticut. ..." (English)
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