
Autodescription — podcast genre (Q104822033)

description: classification of podcasts based on similarities in narrative elements
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This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q104822033 }
Article description iTunes genre ID Yandex Music genre ID
AI and data science podcast podcast genre
Apple, iOS or Classic Mac OS / OS X podcast podcast genre
Buddhistic podcast podcast that explicitly follows the religion of buddhism 1438
Christian podcast podcast that explicitly follows the religion of Christianity 1439
Hinduistic podcast podcast that explicitly follows the religion of hinduism 1463
Islamic podcast podcast that explicitly follows the religion of islam 1440
Jewish podcast podcast that explicitly follows the religion of Judaism or are otherwise dedicated to the Jewish people 1441
K-12 podcast podcast genre
LGBT podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to LGBT-related news and recent events.
PC gaming podcast podcast genre
SEO marketing podcast podcast genre
Taoistic podcast podcast that explicitly follows the religion of Taoism
VR and AR podcast podcast genre
actual play podcast podcast genre
advice podcast podcast genre
aftershow podcast podcast genre 1562
alternative health podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to alternative health 1513
amateur sports podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to amateur sports-related news and recent events
american football podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to American football-related news and recent events 1547
animation podcast podcast genre
anime and manga podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to anime and manga-related news and recent events 1510
arcade games podcast Video game podcast and podcast genre
arts podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to art-related news and recent events 1301 arts
association football podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to association football-related news and recent events 1546
astrology podcast podcast genre
astronomy podcast podcast genre 1538
atheistic podcast podcast that explicitly follows atheism
athletics podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to athletics-related news and recent events.
audio drama podcast podcast genre
automobile and automotive podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to automobile-related news and recent events 1503
aviation podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to aviation-related news and recent events 1504
baseball podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to baseball-related news and recent events 1549
basketball podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to basketball-related news and recent events 1548
blogcast blog and podcast in one website
business and finance podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to business and finance-related news and recent events 1321 business
business news podcast podcast genre 1490
career podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to career-related news and recent events 1410
chemistry podcast podcast genre 1539
children and family podcast podcast genre intended at or primarily about children and their parents 1305 familypodcasts
children's educational podcast educational podcast aimed at children 1519
college and high school sports podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to college and high school sports-related news and recent events
combat sports podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to combat sports-related news and recent events
comedy fiction podcast subgenre of fiction podcasts 1486
comedy interview podcast podcast genre 1496
comedy podcast podcast which is mainly focused on comedy and humor 1303 comedy
comics podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to comic-related news and recent events
companion podcast a podcast that accompanies a series
course podcast subgenre of educational podcasts 1501
crafts podcast podcast dedicated to crafts 1506
cricket podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to cricket-related news and recent events 1554
crypto and blockchain podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to crypto currency and blockchain-related news and recent events.
daily news podcast podcast genre 1526
design podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to design-related news and recent events 1402
documentary podcast podcast genre 1543
drama fiction podcast subgenre of fiction podcasts 1484
drama podcast podcast genre
earth science podcast podcast genre 1540
ecology and enviromental podcast podcast genre
economics podcast Podcast genre
educational podcast podcast genre 1304 education
educational technology podcast podcast genre
english learning podcast podcast genre
entertainment news podcast podcast genre 1531
entertainment podcast podcast dedicated to entertainment
entrepreneur podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to entrepreneur-related news and recent events 1493
esports podcast podcast genre
fantasy baseball podcast Fantasy sports podcast, baseball podcast, and podcast genre
fantasy football podcast Fantasy sports podcast, association football podcast, and podcast genre
fantasy podcast genre of media
fantasy sports podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to fantasy sports-related news and recent events 1560
fashion and beauty podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to fashion and beauty-related news and recent events 1459
feminist podcast podcast that explicitly promotes or practice feminism
fiction podcast podcast genre 1483
film and television podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to film and television-related news and recent events. 1309 filmpodcasts
film history podcast podcast genre 1564
film interview podcast podcast genre 1565
film podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to film-related news and recent events
film review podcast podcast dedicated to analyze films based on content, style, and merit 1563
fitness podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to fitness 1514
food and drinks podcast podcast genre 1306
gadget podcast podcast genre
games podcast podcast about games 1507
golf podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to golf-related news and recent events 1553
government podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to government-related news and recent events. 1511
health and fitness podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to health and fitness 1512 health
higher education podcast podcast genre
history podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to history-related news and recent events 1487 history
hobby podcast podcast dedicated to hobbies 1505 hobbies
hockey podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to hockey-related news and recent events 1550
home and gardening podcast podcast dedicated to homes and gardening 1508
horror podcast podcast genre
how-to podcast subgenre of educational podcasts 1499
improvisational podcast podcast genre
improvised comedy podcast podcast genre 1495
interview podcast podcast genre
investment podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to investment-related news and recent events 1412
kid's story podcast story telling podcast aimed at children 1520
language learning podcast subgenre of educational podcasts 1498
law and justice podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to law and justice-related news and recent events
leisure podcast podcast dedicated to leisure activities 1502
life science podcast podcast genre 1541
literary podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to literary-related news and recent events 1482
management podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to management-related news and recent events 1491
marketing podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to marketing-related news and recent events 1492
mathematics podcast podcast genre 1536
medicine podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to medicine-related news and recent events 1518
mental health podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to mental health 1517
music commentary podcast podcast genre 1523
music history podcast podcast genre 1524
music interview podcast podcast genre 1525
music podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to music-related news and recent events 1310 music
naturalist podcast podcast genre 1534
nature podcast podcast genre 1537
news and journalism podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to news and recent events 1489 news
news commentary podcast podcast genre 1530
non-profit podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to non profit-related news and recent events 1494
nutrition podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to nutrition 1515
outdoor podcast podcast genre
parenting podcast podcast dedicated to parenting 1521
performing arts podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to performing arts-related news and recent events 1405
personal finance podcast podcast genre
personal journal podcast podcast genre 1302
pets and animal podcast podcast which aimed at pet owners and animal enthusiasts 1522
philosophy podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to philosophy 1443
physics podcast podcast genre 1542
places and travel podcast podcast genre 1320
podcasting podcast podcast genre
political podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to politics-related news and recent events. 1527 government
political satire podcast podcast genre
pop culture podcast podcast about popular culture
popular science podcast podcast genre about science intended for a general public science
pornographic or erotic podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to pornorgraphy and erotica-related news and events
programming podcast podcast genre
relationship podcast podcast genre 1544
religion and spirituality podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to religion and spirituality 1314
religious podcast podcast genre 1532 religion
retro gaming podcast podcast genre
rewatch podcast podcast genre hosted by cast members of a popular television show or film series that is no longer running where they discuss the show or film and "rewatch" scenes or episodes.
role-playing or board game podcast podcast dedicated to board games or role-playing
rugby podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to rugby-related news and recent events 1552
running podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to running-related news and recent events 1551
sales podcast podcast genre
science fiction podcast podcast genre 1485
science podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to science-related news and recent events 1533
self-help podcast podcast genre
self-improvement podcast subgenre of educational podcasts 1500
sex and sexuality podcast podcast genre 1516
shopping podcast podcast genre
skate podcast podcast focused on skateboarding
skeptical podcast podcast that explicitly promotes or practices scientific skepticism
social science podcast podcast genre 1535
socialist podcast podcast that explicitly hold a socialist or anti-capitalist stance
society and culture podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to society and culture-related news and recent events 1324 society
speculative/fantastic fiction podcast podcast genre devoted to speculative fiction
spirituality podcast podcast genre 1444
sports news podcast podcast genre 1529
sports podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to sports-related news and recent events 1545 recreation
stand-up comedy podcast podcast genre 1497
startup podcast podcast genre
storytelling podcast podcast genre narratives
swimming podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to swimming-related news and recent events 1558
tech news podcast podcast gere 1528
technology podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to technology-related news and recent events 1318 technology
television podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to television-related news and recent events.
television review podcast podcast dedicated to analyzing television shows based on content, style, and merit 1561
tennis podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to tennis-related news and recent events 1556
theatre podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to theatre-related news and recent events
training podcast podcast genre
true crime podcast podcast dedicated to examine crime and the actions of the perpetrators. 1488
venture capital podcast podcast genre
video game music podcast podcast genre
video game podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to video game-related news and recent events. 1509
visual arts podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to visual arts-related news and recent events 1406
volleyball podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to volleyball-related news and recent events 1557
web design podcast podcast genre
wicca and witchcraft podcast podcast that explicitly follows the religion of wicca and witchcraft
wilderness podcast podcast genre 1559
wrestling podcast podcast which devote significant coverage to wrestling-related news and recent events 1555

∑ 178 items.

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