
Autodescription — bishop of Pesaro (Q105559297)

description: ordinary of the ancient Roman Catholic Diocese of Pesaro
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Classification of the class bishop of Pesaro (Q105559297)  View with Reasonator View with SQID
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Position abolished: 2000-03-11
Replaced by: metropolitan archbishop of Pesaro (Q105559387); talk
Angelo Bagnasco (Q378603) 1998-01-03 – 2000-03-11
Gaetano Michetti (Q1491012) 1975-07-04 –  Missing field [1]
Luigi Carlo Borromeo (Q26742867) 1952-12-28 –  Missing field [2]
Bonaventura Porta (Q27553806) 1917-03-22 –  Missing field [3]
Paolo Marco Tei (Q64733626) 1904-11-14 –  Missing field [4]
Carlo Bonajuti (Q64777979) 1896-06-22 –  Missing field [5]
Clemente Fares (Q64745884) 1856-12-15 –  Missing field [6]
Giovanni Carlo Gentili (Q64733718) 1847-04-12 – 1854-10-10
Francesco de’ Marchesi Canali (Q64748052) 1839-07-08 –  Missing field [7]
Filippo Monacelli (Q64747367) 1828-12-15 –  Missing field [8]
Felice Bezzi (Q54441625) 1824-05-24 –  Missing field [9]
Ottavio Zollio (Q60999033) 1822-09-27 –  Missing field [10] Inconsistent predecessor [11]
Nicolas Marciari (Q105555656) 1359-07-20 –  Missing fields [12]
Position created: 3. century

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