
description: O.C.- O.Carm. superior general of the Order of the Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel
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Prior General of the Order of Carmelites⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
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87. Míceál O'Neill (Q109906680) 2019-09-17 –
Fernando Millán Romeral (Q51883203) 2007 – 2019-09  Missing field [1]
Giuseppe Pietro Antonio Palma (Q64734438) 1841 – 1843  Missing fields [2]
Gioacchino Maria Pontalti (Q64762688) 1756 –  Missing fields [3]
Antoine Joseph Amable de Feydeau (Q2854097) 1728 – 1730  Missing fields [4]
Gaspare Pizzolanti (Q64762898) 1721 – 1725  Missing fields [5]
Carlo Cornaccioli (Q64734309) 1716 – 1721  Missing fields [6]
Juan Feyjóo González de Villalobos (Q64762594) 1644 – 1649  Missing fields [7]
33. Baptista Mantuanus (Q810973) 1513 – 1516  Missing fields [8]
28. Johannes Soreth (Q1698425) 1451 –  Missing fields [9]
Pierre de Casa (Q3387483) 1330 –  Missing fields [10]
Guido Terrena (Q5615634) 1318 –  Missing fields [11]
Gerard of Bologna (Q5550211) 1297 – 1318  Missing fields [12]
Simon Stock (Q721003) 1254 –  Missing fields [13]
2. Cyril of Constantinople (Q11913948) 1232 – 1237  Missing fields [14]
1. Saint Brocard (Q3463699) 1200 – 1232  Missing field [15]
Position created:  Missing field [16]

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