
Autodescription — Q107525383

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WikiProject Spain

Q107525383 officeholders

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Replaced by: Q123284413; talk  Indirect only [1]
Rafael Allendesalazar y Urbina (Q56401826) 1981-12-20 – 1983-02-02  Inconsistent successor [2]
Antonio Pascual Galmes (Q51693874) 1981-02-25 – 1981-12-19
Jaime Milans del Bosch (Q1358421) 1977-12-09 – 1981-02-24
Antoni Taix Planas (Q56401816) 1976-04-23 – 1977-12-08
Luis Gómez Hortigüela (Q55078686) 1971-04-16 – 1976-04-15
Joaquín Nogueras Márquez (Q56400827) 1969-12-21 – 1971-03-18
Joaquín González Vidaurreta (Q43241924) 1967-12-15 – 1969-12-12
Santiago Mateo Marcos (Q55078708) 1962-01-27 – 1967-11-07
Joaquín Ríos Capapé (Q24278962) 1953-12-19 – 1962-01-26
Gustavo Urrutia González (Q42905804) 1950-04-10 – 1953-12-19
José Monasterio Ituarte (Q5944109) 1945-10-16 – 1950-04-02  Inconsistent predecessor [3]
Eliseo Álvarez-Arenas Romero (Q24013642) 1942-04-13 – 1943-07-23  Inconsistent successor [4]
Enrique Cánovas Lacruz (Q55027161) 1940-10-07 – 1942-04-13
Antonio Aranda (Q599627) 1939-04-01 – 1940-04-07  Missing field [5]
Bernardo Álvarez del Manzano y Menéndez Valdés (Q124359906) 1923-09-17 – 1923-12-07  Inconsistent predecessor [6] Inconsistent successor [7]
Carlos Palanca y Cañas (Q52693556) 1919-02-01 – 1920-07-05  Inconsistent predecessor [8] Inconsistent successor [9]
Ángel Aznar y Butigieg (Q15892145) 1910-01-14 – 1910-02-15  Inconsistent successor [10]
Adolfo Jiménez Castellanos (Q4684239) 1907-01-25 – 1910-02-14  Date overlap [11] Inconsistent predecessor [12]
Position created: 1939
Replaces: Commander-in-Chief of the III Organic Division (Q107525351); talk
  1. Q123284413 has a replaces (P1365) connection to Q107525383, but Q107525383 has no equivalent replaced by (P1366) claim.
  2. Rafael Allendesalazar y Urbina (Q56401826) has a replaced by (P1366) of Manuel Vallespín y González Valdés (Q55091886), but is not followed by anyone here
  3. José Monasterio Ituarte (Q5944109) has a replaces (P1365) of Miguel Abriat Cantó (Q51060073), but follows Eliseo Álvarez-Arenas Romero (Q24013642) here
  4. Eliseo Álvarez-Arenas Romero (Q24013642) has a replaced by (P1366) of Miguel Abriat Cantó (Q51060073), but is followed by José Monasterio Ituarte (Q5944109) here
  5. Antonio Aranda (Q599627) is missing replaces (P1365)
  6. Bernardo Álvarez del Manzano y Menéndez Valdés (Q124359906) has a replaces (P1365) of José Zabalza e Iturriria (Q56401764), but follows Carlos Palanca y Cañas (Q52693556) here
  7. Bernardo Álvarez del Manzano y Menéndez Valdés (Q124359906) has a replaced by (P1366) of Ventura Fontán y Pérez de Santamaría (Q108291977), but is followed by Antonio Aranda (Q599627) here
  8. Carlos Palanca y Cañas (Q52693556) has a replaces (P1365) of Diego Muñoz-Cobo y Serrano (Q5806426), but follows Ángel Aznar y Butigieg (Q15892145) here
  9. Carlos Palanca y Cañas (Q52693556) has a replaced by (P1366) of Miguel Primo de Rivera, 2nd Marquis of Estella (Q192894), but is followed by Bernardo Álvarez del Manzano y Menéndez Valdés (Q124359906) here
  10. Ángel Aznar y Butigieg (Q15892145) has a replaced by (P1366) of Lluís de Castellví i de Vilallonga (Q54933615), but is followed by Carlos Palanca y Cañas (Q52693556) here
  11. Adolfo Jiménez Castellanos (Q4684239) has a end time (P582) of 1910-02-14, which is later than the start time (P580) of 1910-01-14 for Ángel Aznar y Butigieg (Q15892145)
  12. Adolfo Jiménez Castellanos (Q4684239) has a replaces (P1365) of Francisco Loño y Pérez (Q5868070), but does not follow anyone here

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