
Autodescription — Secretary of Institutional Relations of the State of Bahia (Q122961469)

description: person in charge of the Secretariat of Institutional Relations of the State of Bahia
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Secretary of Institutional Relations of the State of Bahia⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
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11. Luiz Caetano (Q25176042) 2023-01-01 –
10. Luiz Caetano (Q25176042) 2021-05-18 – 2022-12-31
9. Jonival Lucas Júnior (Q123398129) 2020-06-08 – 2021-05-17
8. Cibele Carvalho (Q123402031) 2019-01-01 – 2020-06
7. Cibele Carvalho (Q123402031) 2018-07 – 2018-12-31
6. Josias Gomes (Q10308635) 2015-01-01 – 2018-04-11
5. Cícero Monteiro (Q123413386) 2014-01-18 – 2014-12-31
4. Paulo Cezar Lisboa (Q123410702) 2010-11-08 – 2014-01-17
3. Emilson Piau (Q123413143) 2010-07-12 – 2010-11-08
2. Paulo Cezar Lisboa (Q123410702) 2010-03-31 – 2010-07-11
1. Rui Costa (Q10365240) 2007-01-15 – 2010-03-30
Position created: 2006-12-28

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