
description: ordinary of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kraków
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Classification of the class Archbishop of Kraków (Q17375334)  View with Reasonator View with SQID
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See also

WikiProject Poland

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Marek Jędraszewski (Q1317769) 2016-12-08 –
Stanisław Dziwisz (Q354306) 2005-06-03 –  Missing field [1]
Franciszek Macharski (Q55772) 1979-01-06 –  Missing field [2]
John Paul II (Q989) 1964-01-13 – 1978-10-16
Adam Stefan Sapieha (Q350963) 1925-12-14 – 1951-07-21
Position created: 1925-10-28
Replaces: bishop of Krakow (Q104716470); talk

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