
description: head of government of Israel
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Naftali Bennett (Q39318) 2021-06-13 –
9. Benjamin Netanyahu (Q43723) 2009-03-31 – 2021-06-13
Ehud Olmert (Q93181) 2006-01-04 – 2009-03-31
Ariel Sharon (Q60206) 2001-03-07 – 2006-04-14  Date overlap [1]
Ehud Barak (Q125731) 1999-07-06 – 2001-03-07
Benjamin Netanyahu (Q43723) 1996-06-18 – 1999-07-06
Shimon Peres (Q57410) 1995-11-04 – 1996-06-18
Yizhak Rabin (Q34060) 1992-07-13 – 1995-11-04
Yitzhak Shamir (Q184351) 1986-10-20 – 1992-07-13
Shimon Peres (Q57410) 1984-09-13 – 1986-10-20  Inconsistent predecessor [2]
Menachem Begin (Q130873) 1977-06-21 – 1983-10-10  Inconsistent predecessor [3] Inconsistent successor [4]
Shimon Peres (Q57410) 1977-04-22 – 1977-06-21
Yizhak Rabin (Q34060) 1974-06-03 – 1977-04-22
Golda Meir (Q42992) 1969-03-17 – 1974-06-03
Yigal Allon (Q319015) 1969-02-26 – 1969-03-17  Missing fields [5]
Levi Eshkol (Q191123) 1963-06-21 – 1969-02-26
David Ben-Gurion (Q37610) 1955-11-03 – 1963-06-26  Date overlap [6]
2. Moshe Sharett (Q208477) 1954-01-26 – 1955-11-03
David Ben-Gurion (Q37610) 1948-05-17 – 1954-01-26
Position created: 1948-05-14

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