defining formula
calculated from
Indice Gulpease
| 1988
| it
Readability Index
| 1983
| Readability Index
| sentence count number of words with at least seven syllables
Raygor Readability Estimate
| 1977
| Alton L. Raygor
Linsear Write
| 1975
| Linsear Write
| word count sentence count number of words with at least three syllables number of words with at most two syllables
| 1975
| Coleman–Liau index
| number of characters word count sentence count
| Meri Coleman, T. L. Liau
Flesch–Kincaid Grade Level test
| 1975
| Flesch–Kincaid grade level
| word count sentence count syllable count
Golub Syntactic Density Score
| 1974
| Lester Golub
FORCAST formula
| 1973
| FORCAST grade level
| single-syllable word count word count
| 1969
| SMOG grade
| sentence count number of words with at least three syllables
| G. Harry McLaughlin
| en
| 1968
| LIX score
| word count sentence count number of words with at least seven syllables
| Carl-Hugo Björnsson
Automated Readability Index test
| 1967
| Automated Readability Index
| number of characters word count sentence count
formule de Landsheere
| 1963
| fr
Powers-Sumner-Kearl readability formula
| 1958
formule de Kandel-Moles
| 1958
| fr
Fucks' Stilcharakteristik
| 1955
| Fucks' Stilcharakteristik
| number of characters word count sentence count
Wheeler and Smith readability measure
| 1954
| Wheeler and Smith readability measure
| word count sentence count polysyllabic word count
Spache Readability Formula
| 1953
| George Spache
| en
Gunning fog index
| 1952
| Fog index
| word count sentence count number of words with at least three syllables
| Robert Gunning
Flesch reading ease
| 1948
| Flesch reading ease score for Italian (revised formula)
| it
Flesch reading ease
| 1948
| indice di leggibilità Flesch-Vacca
| Roberto Vacca, Valerio Franchina
| it it
Dale–Chall readability formula
| 1948
| Dale–Chall readability score
| word count sentence count difficult words count simple word list
| Edgar Dale, Jeanne Chall
Flesch reading ease
| 1948
| Flesch reading ease score
| word count sentence count syllable count
Fry readability formula
| Edward Fry
| en