
Autodescription — mayor of Palma (Q26700930)

description: political position in Spain
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mayor of Palma⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
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See also

WikiProject Spain

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Jaime Martínez Llabrés (Q61998499) 2023-06-17 –
José Hila Vargas (Q20088957) 2019-06-15 – 2023-06-17
Antoni Noguera Ortega (Q20875257) 2017-06-30 – 2019-06-26  Date overlap [1]
José Hila Vargas (Q20088957) 2015-06-13 – 2017-06-30
Mateu Isern Estela (Q5683166) 2011-06-11 – 2015-06-13
Aina Calvo (Q793743) 2007-06-16 – 2011-06-11
Catalina Cirer Adrover (Q8342765) 2003-06-14 – 2007-06-16
Juan Fageda (Q4894911) 1991-05-25 – 2003-05-24
Ramon Aguiló Munar (Q11702014) 1979-04-03 – 1991-05-26  Date overlap [2] Inconsistent predecessor [3]
Máximo Alomar Josa (Q9048110) 1963 – 1968  Missing fields [4]
Gabriel Riera Alemany (Q8963296) 1939 – 1941  Missing fields [5]
Llorenç Bisbal i Barceló (Q9023253) 1931-04-15 – 1931-10  Inconsistent predecessor [6] Inconsistent successor [7]
Guillem Forteza Pinya (Q9001270) 1923 – 1923  Missing fields [8]
Bartomeu Fons i Jofre de Villegas (Q11908602) 1921-09 – 1922-04  Missing field [9]
Bartomeu Fons i Jofre de Villegas (Q11908602) 1920-04 – 1920-05  Missing field [10]
Pere Martínez i Rosich (Q106622306) 1918-01-01 – 1918-08  Missing fields [11]
Lluís Alemany Pujol (Q11933575) 1910 – 1912  Inconsistent predecessor [12] Inconsistent successor [13]
Antoni Planas Franch (Q11905922) 1903 – 1905  Missing fields [14]
Joan Coll Crespí (Q9011882) 1856 –  Missing fields [15]
Pedro Gual y Suelves (Q116169918)  Missing fields [16]
Pasqual Ribot Pellicer (Q11698232)  Missing fields [17]
Enric Sureda i Morera (Q11919356)  Missing fields [18]
Jaume Font i Monteros (Q11927283)  Missing fields [19]
Jaume Suau Pons (Q11927373)  Missing fields [20]
Paulí Buchens Adrover (Q11940618)  Missing fields [21]
Pere Feliu Perelló (Q11940965)  Missing fields [22]
Rafel Manera Serra (Q11944471)  Missing fields [23]
Rafael de la Rosa (Q16190555)  Missing fields [24]
Antoni Marià Montis i Boneo (Q16724812)  Missing fields [25]
Francesc Villalonga Fàbregues (Q17297262)  Missing fields [26]
Antoni Pou Reus (Q19997884)  Missing fields [27]
Josep Miquel Tries i Capó (Q20004697)  Missing fields [28]
Lluís Ferrer Arbona (Q20005095)  Missing fields [29]
Marià de Quintana i Ramon (Q20005672)  Missing fields [30]
Bernat Jofre Roca (Q2919627)  Missing fields [31]
Mateu Zaforteza Musoles (Q6005962)  Missing fields [32]
Antoni Villalonga Pérez (Q8201091)  Missing fields [33]
Bernat Calvet i Girona (Q8246825)  Missing fields [34]
Emili Darder i Cànaves (Q8775485)  Missing fields [35]
Gabriel Alzamora López (Q8963275)  Missing fields [36]
Josep Tomàs Renteria (Q9014837)  Missing fields [37]
Manuel Guasp i Pujol (Q9027839)  Missing fields [38]
Marc Antoni Cotoner i Sureda Vivot (Q9028644)  Missing fields [39]
Bartomeu Barceló Mir (Q91258899)  Missing fields [40]
Position created:  Missing field [41]
  1. Antoni Noguera Ortega (Q20875257) has a end time (P582) of 2019-06-26, which is later than the start time (P580) of 2019-06-15 for José Hila Vargas (Q20088957)
  2. Ramon Aguiló Munar (Q11702014) has a end time (P582) of 1991-05-26, which is later than the start time (P580) of 1991-05-25 for Juan Fageda (Q4894911)
  3. Ramon Aguiló Munar (Q11702014) has a replaces (P1365) of Paulí Buchens Adrover (Q11940618), but follows Máximo Alomar Josa (Q9048110) here
  4. Máximo Alomar Josa (Q9048110) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  5. Gabriel Riera Alemany (Q8963296) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  6. Llorenç Bisbal i Barceló (Q9023253) has a replaces (P1365) of Jaume Suau Pons (Q11927373), but follows Guillem Forteza Pinya (Q9001270) here
  7. Llorenç Bisbal i Barceló (Q9023253) has a replaced by (P1366) of Francesc Villalonga Fàbregues (Q17297262), but is followed by Gabriel Riera Alemany (Q8963296) here
  8. Guillem Forteza Pinya (Q9001270) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  9. Bartomeu Fons i Jofre de Villegas (Q11908602) is missing replaced by (P1366)
  10. Bartomeu Fons i Jofre de Villegas (Q11908602) is missing replaces (P1365)
  11. Pere Martínez i Rosich (Q106622306) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  12. Lluís Alemany Pujol (Q11933575) has a replaces (P1365) of Bartomeu Barceló Mir (Q91258899), but follows Antoni Planas Franch (Q11905922) here
  13. Lluís Alemany Pujol (Q11933575) has a replaced by (P1366) of Antoni Pou Reus (Q19997884), but is followed by Pere Martínez i Rosich (Q106622306) here
  14. Antoni Planas Franch (Q11905922) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  15. Joan Coll Crespí (Q9011882) is missing replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  16. Pedro Gual y Suelves (Q116169918) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  17. Pasqual Ribot Pellicer (Q11698232) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  18. Enric Sureda i Morera (Q11919356) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  19. Jaume Font i Monteros (Q11927283) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  20. Jaume Suau Pons (Q11927373) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  21. Paulí Buchens Adrover (Q11940618) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  22. Pere Feliu Perelló (Q11940965) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  23. Rafel Manera Serra (Q11944471) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  24. Rafael de la Rosa (Q16190555) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  25. Antoni Marià Montis i Boneo (Q16724812) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  26. Francesc Villalonga Fàbregues (Q17297262) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  27. Antoni Pou Reus (Q19997884) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  28. Josep Miquel Tries i Capó (Q20004697) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  29. Lluís Ferrer Arbona (Q20005095) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  30. Marià de Quintana i Ramon (Q20005672) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  31. Bernat Jofre Roca (Q2919627) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  32. Mateu Zaforteza Musoles (Q6005962) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  33. Antoni Villalonga Pérez (Q8201091) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  34. Bernat Calvet i Girona (Q8246825) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  35. Emili Darder i Cànaves (Q8775485) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  36. Gabriel Alzamora López (Q8963275) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  37. Josep Tomàs Renteria (Q9014837) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  38. Manuel Guasp i Pujol (Q9027839) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  39. Marc Antoni Cotoner i Sureda Vivot (Q9028644) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  40. Bartomeu Barceló Mir (Q91258899) is missing start time (P580), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  41. mayor of Palma (Q26700930) is missing inception (P571)

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