
Autodescription — Governor of Idaho (Q29514674)

description: head of state and of government of the U.S. state of Idaho
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See also

Governor of Idaho (Q29514674) officeholders

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33. Brad Little (Q4954097) 2019-01-07 –  Missing field [1]
32. Butch Otter (Q39593) 2007-01-01 – 2019-01-07  Missing field [2]
Jim Risch (Q721871) 2006-05-26 – 2007-01-01
30. Dirk Kempthorne (Q737493) 1999-01-08 – 2006-05-26
29. Phil Batt (Q368339) 1995-01-02 – 1999-01-08
26. Cecil D. Andrus (Q372022) 1987-01-05 – 1995-01-02
27. John V. Evans (Q328527) 1977-01-23 – 1987-01-04  Inconsistent predecessor [3]
Don Samuelson (Q442369) 1967-01-02 – 1971-01-04  Inconsistent successor [4]
Robert E. Smylie (Q442471) 1955-01-03 – 1967-01-02
Leonard B. Jordan (Q16807) 1951-01-01 – 1955-01-03
C. A. Robins (Q442373) 1947-01-06 – 1951-01-01
Arnold Williams (Q442362) 1945-11-17 – 1947-01-06
Charles C. Gossett (Q367986) 1945-01-01 – 1945-11-17
C. A. Bottolfsen (Q442380) 1943-01-04 – 1945-01-01
Chase A. Clark (Q442017) 1941-01-06 – 1943-01-04
C. A. Bottolfsen (Q442380) 1939-01-02 – 1941-01-06
Barzilla W. Clark (Q442354) 1937-01-04 – 1939-01-02
C. Ben Ross (Q442034) 1931-01-05 – 1937-01-04
H. C. Baldridge (Q441833) 1927-01-03 – 1931-01-05
Charles C. Moore (Q442080) 1923-01-01 – 1927-01-03
12. David William Davis (Q442086) 1919-01-06 – 1923-01-01
Moses Alexander (Q327585) 1915-01-04 – 1919-01-06
John M. Haines (Q442073) 1913-01-06 – 1915-01-04
James H. Hawley (Q442014) 1911-01-02 – 1913-01-06
8. James H. Brady (Q203167) 1909-01-04 – 1911-01-02
Frank R. Gooding (Q204124) 1905-01-02 – 1909-01-04
John T. Morrison (Q442098) 1903-01-05 – 1905-01-02
5. Frank W. Hunt (Q441824) 1901-01-07 – 1903-01-05
4. Frank Steunenberg (Q880563) 1897-01-04 – 1901-01-07
William J. McConnell (Q442092) 1893-01-02 – 1897-01-04
N. B. Willey (Q880941) 1890-12-18 – 1893-01-02
1. George L. Shoup (Q880826) 1890-10-01 – 1890-12-18  Missing field [5]
Horace C. Gilson (Q22670553)  Missing fields [6]
Position created: 1890-10-01

Functionally the same as list of governors of Idaho (Q878260), as Governors of Idaho was the previous name, before it was renamed to List of Governors of Idaho on En wiki. --Auric (talk) 16:28, 2 July 2019 (UTC)Reply

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