
Autodescription — President of Finland (Q29558)

description: head of state of Finland
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Classification of the class President of Finland (Q29558)  View with Reasonator View with SQID
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President of Finland⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
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See also

WikiProject Finland

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13. Alexander Stubb (Q503143) 2024-03-01 –
12. Sauli Niinistö (Q29207) 2012-03-01 – 2024-03-01
11. Tarja Halonen (Q29213) 2000-03-01 – 2012-03-01
10. Martti Ahtisaari (Q29230) 1994-03-01 – 2000-03-01
9. Mauno Koivisto (Q29021) 1982-01-27 – 1994-03-01
8. Urho Kekkonen (Q179858) 1956-03-01 – 1982-01-27
7. Juho Kusti Paasikivi (Q202171) 1946-03-11 – 1956-03-01
6. Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim (Q152306) 1944-08-04 – 1946-03-04
5. Risto Ryti (Q209435) 1940-12-19 – 1944-08-01
8. Kyösti Kallio (Q209441) 1937-03-01 – 1940-12-19
3. Pehr Evind Svinhufvud (Q209439) 1931-03-01 – 1937-03-01
2. Lauri Kristian Relander (Q214009) 1925-03-02 – 1931-03-01
1. Kaarlo Juho Ståhlberg (Q214029) 1919-07-25 – 1925-03-02
Position created: 1919-07-17

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