Autodescription — Occitan folk music (Q3702442)

description: genre of popular music that developed in Occitania
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Classification of the class Occitan folk music (Q3702442)  View with Reasonator View with SQID
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Occitan folk music⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
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See also

Original french name "musique traditionnelle occitane"


Hi @Cardabela48. I just saw you changed the title of this category I created. I'm a little bit annoyed by this change, because I find the new name confusing. It's confusing for 2 reasons : 1) Traditional occitan music is a very specific music style, which is not strictly geographical. People play traditional occitan music in Canada, for instance. « Musique d'Occitanie » is more general. It can be rock'n roll from Occitanie, for instance. With this title, we loose the notion of traditional music, with a very specific repertoire, often linked to traditional dances and/or traditional instruments. And we also lose the link to the occitan language. A music from Occitanie can be, for instance, a french rap played by a band who live in Occitanie. That's not the point of this category, which is restricted to a music linked to occitan language. 2) Occitanie is now the name of an administrative region, which is smaller than the linguistic Occitanie. Traditional occitan music covers all the cultural occitan area. « Musique d'Occitanie » can be misunderstood as limited to the administrative region. For these reasons, I would like to go back to the initial name of this category, « Musique traditionnelle occitane ». Of course, we can add the name « Musique traditionnelle d'Occitanie » as an alias. Would you agree with this ? Unuaiga (talk) 20:26, 13 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

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