elshad abdullayev is Russian FSB agent ,who has been transfered Putin found 5000000 usd dollar


elshad abdullayev is Russian FSB agent ,who has been transfered Putin found 5000000 usd dollar https://euasia.news/2023/11/09/68612/ https://euasia.news/2022/03/17/35973/ 23:30, 23 March 2024 (UTC)Reply

UKRAINE DEMANDS THE ARREST OF ELSHAD ABDULLAYEVObolon“ district court in Kiev established the facts of surgical operations for the illegal seizure of human organs from citizens and their transplantation in selected medical institutions, including the Medical Center operating at the Azerbaijan International University (AİU), which were organized by criminal groups in 2009-2010 years, a law enforcement source told Trend on Tuesday.

The Investigation Department for Cases of Grave Crimes of the General Prosecutor’s Office on the basis of an appeal from law enforcement agencies of Ukraine for legal assistance in connection with illegal transplantation of human organs, under Article 308.2 (abuse of authority) of the Criminal Code in connection with the facts of illegal seizure by officials of the medical center, acting at the Azerbaijan International University, abusing official powers, kidneys from donors and their transplant foreign recipients.

According to the press service of the Prosecutor General’s Office, although this medical institution, which was subordinate to the rector of the university Elshad Abdullayev, was not given a special permit (license) to perform surgical operations on the transplantation of human organs or tissues, they were given illegal instructions to the head doctor of the medical center Dilara Ismayilova, a criminal relationship has been established with the citizens of Israel Boris Wolfman, Yuri Katsman and others, the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan are grossly violated „On the transplantation of human organs and (or) tissues.“ In March-December 2009, the donors delivered to the Republic of Azerbaijan from Ukraine, who were materially dependent on the accused persons, kidneys were removed, conditions were created for 13 surgical operations for their transplantation to recipients – 11 citizens of Israel, one French citizen and one US citizen. In addition, Dilara Ismayilova, not keeping any documentation on operations, received a total of 130 thousand US dollars in cash, did not transfer them to the center’s cash office, but transferred Elshad Abdullayev, causing damage that led to serious consequences for the interests of the state protected by law. Due to the existence of grounds for suspicion, Elshad Abdullayev and Dilyara Ismayilova were charged in the criminal case as defendants under articles 137.3 (sale and purchase of human organs or tissues) and 308.2 (abuse of office) of the Criminal Code.

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