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Minister of Justice and Law of Colombia⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
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Néstor Osuna (Q113463590) 2022-08-07 – 2024-07-01  Missing field [1]
Wilson Ruiz Orejuela (Q17478258) 2020-10-05 – 2022-08-07  Missing fields [2]
Javier Sarmiento (Q98716839) 2020-08-18 – 2020-10-05
Margarita Cabello Blanco (Q9028795) 2019-05-16 – 2020-08-18  Missing fields [3]
Gloria María Borrero (Q55810894) 2018-08-07 – 2019-05-16  Missing fields [4]
Enrique Gil Botero (Q28841856) 2017-03-09 – 2018-08-07  Missing fields [5]
Jorge Eduardo Londoño (Q5934930) 2016-04-25 – 2017-03-01  Missing fields [6]
Yesid Reyes (Q17633066) 2014-08-11 – 2016-04-23  Missing fields [7]
Alfonso Gómez Méndez (Q4722042) 2013-09-13 – 2014-08-11  Missing fields [8]
Ruth Stella Correa Palacio (Q6114529) 2012-07-12 – 2013-09-13  Missing fields [9]
Juan Carlos Esguerra Portocarrero (Q6299251) 2011-06-11 – 2012-07-12  Missing fields [10]
Rómulo González Trujillo (Q107311521) 1999-08-07 – 2002-08-07  Missing fields [11]
Parmenio Cuéllar Bastidas (Q9055686) 1998-08-07 – 1999-08-07  Missing fields [12]
Alma Beatriz Rengifo (Q18758437) 1997-08-07 – 1998-08-07  Missing fields [13]
Néstor Humberto Martínez (Q6047437) 1994-08-07 – 1996-08-07  Missing fields [14]
Andrés González Díaz (Q5675808) 1992-06-29 – 1994-08-07  Missing fields [15]
Fernando Carrillo Florez (Q3069450) 1991-08-07 – 1992-06-29  Missing fields [16]
Jaime Giraldo Ángel (Q17612286) 1990-08-07 – 1991-08-07  Missing fields [17]
Mónica de Greiff (Q9048233) 1989-08-10 – 1990-08-07  Missing fields [18]
Enrique Low Murtra (Q5833502) 1987-09-07 – 1989-08-10  Missing fields [19]
Enrique Parejo González (Q5379785) 1984-05-01 – 1986-08-07  Missing fields [20]
Rodrigo Lara (Q116059) 1983-08-07 – 1984-04-30  Inconsistent predecessor [21]
Hugo Escobar Sierra (Q5904469) 1978-08-07 – 1980-05-14  Missing fields [22]
Alberto Rafael Santofimio Botero (Q1274592) 1974-08-07 – 1978-08-07  Missing fields [23]
Jaime Castro Castro (Q6123707) 1973-04-13 – 1974-08-07  Missing fields [24]
Fernando Hinestrosa Forero (Q5859705) 1968-04-14 – 1970-08-07  Missing fields [25]
Darío Echandía (Q2888440) 1967-03-27 – 1968-04-14  Missing fields [26]
Raimundo Emiliani Román (Q6098331) 1965-01-08 – 1965-09-01  Missing fields [27]
Alfredo Araújo Grau (Q5667514) 1963-08-07 – 1965-01-08  Missing field [28]
Position created:  Missing field [29]
  1. Néstor Osuna (Q113463590) is missing replaces (P1365)
  2. Wilson Ruiz Orejuela (Q17478258) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  3. Margarita Cabello Blanco (Q9028795) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  4. Gloria María Borrero (Q55810894) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  5. Enrique Gil Botero (Q28841856) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  6. Jorge Eduardo Londoño (Q5934930) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  7. Yesid Reyes (Q17633066) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  8. Alfonso Gómez Méndez (Q4722042) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  9. Ruth Stella Correa Palacio (Q6114529) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  10. Juan Carlos Esguerra Portocarrero (Q6299251) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  11. Rómulo González Trujillo (Q107311521) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  12. Parmenio Cuéllar Bastidas (Q9055686) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  13. Alma Beatriz Rengifo (Q18758437) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  14. Néstor Humberto Martínez (Q6047437) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  15. Andrés González Díaz (Q5675808) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  16. Fernando Carrillo Florez (Q3069450) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  17. Jaime Giraldo Ángel (Q17612286) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  18. Mónica de Greiff (Q9048233) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  19. Enrique Low Murtra (Q5833502) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  20. Enrique Parejo González (Q5379785) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  21. Rodrigo Lara (Q116059) has a replaces (P1365) of Bernardo Gaitán Mahecha (Q51055683), but follows Hugo Escobar Sierra (Q5904469) here
  22. Hugo Escobar Sierra (Q5904469) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  23. Alberto Rafael Santofimio Botero (Q1274592) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  24. Jaime Castro Castro (Q6123707) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  25. Fernando Hinestrosa Forero (Q5859705) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  26. Darío Echandía (Q2888440) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  27. Raimundo Emiliani Román (Q6098331) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  28. Alfredo Araújo Grau (Q5667514) is missing replaced by (P1366)
  29. Minister of Justice and Law of Colombia (Q57384074) is missing inception (P571)

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