
description: Spanish colonial administrator position
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Classification of the class Royal Governor of Chile (Q61985935)  View with Reasonator View with SQID
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Royal Governor of Chile⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
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Replaced by: Q6085561; talk  Indirect only [1]
Luis Muñoz de Guzmán (Q462438) 1802-01-30 – 1808-02-11  Inconsistent predecessor [2] Inconsistent successor [3]
Ambrosio O'Higgins, 1st Marquis of Osorno (Q1388469) 1788-05 – 1796-05-16  Inconsistent successor [4]
Ambrosio de Benavides (Q459536) 1780-12 – 1787-03-27  Missing fields [5]
Juan Andrés de Ustariz (Q435052) 1709-02-27 – 1716-12-23  Inconsistent predecessor [6] Inconsistent successor [7]
Luis Fernández de Córdoba y Arce (Q544577) 1625 – 1629  Missing fields [8]
Francisco de Villagra (Q1442314) 1553 – 1555  Missing field [9]
Pedro de Valdivia (Q203534) 1549 – 1553
Francisco de Villagra (Q1442314) 1547 – 1549
Pedro de Valdivia (Q203534) 1540 – 1547
Position created:  Missing field [10]

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