
Autodescription — Q65720392

description: no description
Useful links:
Classification of the class Q65720392  View with Reasonator View with SQID
For help about classification, see Wikidata:Classification.
Parent classes (classes of items which contain this one item)
Subclasses (classes which contain special kinds of items of this class)
Q65720392⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
Generic queries for classes
See also

Q65720392 officeholders

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Q125706353 1786 –
Q125634086 1784 – 1786
Q125706389 1755 – 1784
Łukasz Baranowicz (Q104536796) 1752 – 1755
Q125706407 1735 – 1750
Q125706418 1723 – 1734
Q125706468 1710 – 1720  Missing field [1]
Aleksander Dionizy Skorobohaty (Q105554277) 1676 – 1699  Missing fields [2]
Gedeon Michał Tryzna (Q13030376) 1637 – 1652  Missing field [3]
Krzysztof Wiesiołowski (Q33038) 1623 – 1637
Paul Volovich (Q4321254) 1601 – 1623
Jan Dziewałtowski (Q113739532) 1598 – 1601
Q125706686 1597 – 1598
Q125706700 1588 – 1596
Q120926596 1573 – 1582
Q121008970 1567 – 1571
Grigory Bogdanovich Volovich (Q3917244) 1553 – 1567
Ostafi Wołłowicz (Q2478363) 1551 – 1552
Q125706819 1549 –  Missing field [4]
Q121477888 1530 – 1541
Q125706992 1522 – 1529
Q123459999 1496 – 1522  Inconsistent successor [5]
Hrynko Wołłowicz (Q4321468) 1486 – 1495
Position created:  Missing field [6]

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