
Autodescription — Q65952532

description: no description
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Classification of the class Q65952532  View with Reasonator View with SQID
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Subclasses (classes which contain special kinds of items of this class)
Q65952532⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
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Q65952532 officeholders

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15. Tadeusz Narbutt (Q104523661) 1784-02-23 – 1795
14. Franciszek Antoni Aleksandrowicz (Q97007034) 1768-03-08 – 1783-02-21
13. Jerzy Antoni Jodko (Q16562690) 1752-09-09 – 1768-03-08
12. Kazimierz Scipio (Q98185681) 1714-10-06 – 1721
11. Q21035979 1694 –  Missing field [1]
10. Eliasz Michał Rymwid (Q28672029) 1682 – 1690  Inconsistent predecessor [2]
8. Stefan Kurcz (Q9345135) 1661-07-07 – 1668-01-03  Inconsistent successor [3]
7. James Theodore Kuncewicz (Q26484) 1649-06-07 – 1661  Date precision [4]
6. Q126855301 1634-06-24 –  Missing field [5]
5. Aleksander Tryzna (Q87435162) 1617-04-15 –  Missing field [6]
4. Aleksander Połubiński (Q15081014) 1603-02-11 – 1616
3. Q126593943 1597 – 1602
2. Jan Zawisza (Q3925046) 1595-01-08 – 1596
1. Q126592683 1566 – 1593  Missing field [7]
Kazimierz Frąckiewicz Radzimiński (Q80221)  Missing fields [8] Inconsistent predecessor [9] Inconsistent successor [10]
Position created:  Missing field [11]

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