
description: political office in the United States
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Classification of the class Mayor of New Brunswick, New Jersey (Q6797896)  View with Reasonator View with SQID
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Mayor of New Brunswick, New Jersey⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
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62. James M. Cahill (Q6138382) 1991 –
61. John A. Lynch, Jr. (Q16104919) 1979 – 1991
60. Gilbert Lee Nelson (Q100999353) 1978 – 1979
59. Richard J. Mulligan (Q100999365) 1975 – 1978
58. Aldrage Benjamin Cooper Jr. (Q100999373) 1974 – 1975
57. Patricia Q. Sheehan (Q100975190) 1967 – 1974
56. Chester William Paulus I (Q100988627) 1954 – 1967
55. John A. Lynch, Sr. (Q6217795) 1951 – 1954
54. Chester William Paulus I (Q100988627) 1943 – 1951
53. Harry William Dwyer (Q100999426) 1942 – 1943
52. Richard Vincent Mulligan (Q100999434) 1939 – 1942
51. Frederick Flowers Richardson (Q100999129) 1935 – 1939
50. John Jacob Morrison (Q100998992) 1918 – 1935
49. Edward F. Farrington (Q100999029) 1915 – 1918
48. Austin Scott (Q4823276) 1914 – 1915
47. John Jacob Morrison (Q100998992) 1910 – 1914
46. William Edwin Florance (Q100998897) 1908 – 1910
45. Drury Walls Cooper (Q73573976) 1906 – 1908
44. William Shields Myers (Q100998723) 1904 – 1906
43. George Anthony Viehmann (Q100998718) 1902 – 1904
42. Nicholas Williamson (Q100998712) 1895 – 1902
41. James Henry Van Cleef (Q100998707) 1889 – 1895
40. William Stephen Strong (Q100996079) 1881 – 1889
39. DeWitt Ten Broeck Reiley (Q100995864) 1879 – 1881
38. Lyle Van Nuis (Q100988221) 1877 – 1879
37. Isaiah Rolfe (Q100995714) 1875 – 1877
36. Thomas Miles De Russy (Q100995644) 1873 – 1875
35. Garrett Conover (Q100995563) 1871 – 1873
34. George J. Janeway (Q100995459) 1869 – 1871
33. Miles Ross (Q1934655) 1867 – 1869
32. John T. Jenkins (Q100988411) 1865-12 – 1867
31. Augustus T. Stout (Q100988306) 1865-04-24 – 1865-11
30. Richard McDonald (Q100988272) 1863 – 1865-04
29. Lyle Van Nuis (Q100988221) 1861 – 1863
28. Ezekiel Montgomery Patterson (Q100988254) 1860 – 1861
27. Peter Conover Onderdonk (Q47457111) 1859 – 1860
26. Tunis Van Doren Hoagland (Q47457018) 1858 – 1859
25. John Bayard Kirkpatrick (Q100988229) 1857 – 1858
24. Lyle Van Nuis (Q100988221) 1856 – 1857
23. Abraham Voorhees Schenck (Q100988217) 1855 – 1856
22. John B. Hill (Q100988213) 1853 – 1855
21. Peter N. Wyckoff (Q100988207) 1851 – 1852
20. David Fitz Randolph (Q100988200) 1849 – 1851
19. Augustus Fitz Randolph Taylor (Q100988067) 1848 – 1849
18. Martin Armstrong Howell Sr. (Q100988176) 1847 – 1848
17. John Van Dyke (Q1702000) 1846 – 1847
16. William Hopkins Leupp (Q100988152) 1845 – 1846
15. John Acken (Q100988109) 1843 – 1845
14. Fitz Randolph Smith (Q100988105) 1842 – 1843
13. Littleton Kirkpatrick (Q1865875) 1841 – 1842
12. David W. Vail (Q100988095) 1840 – 1841
11. Augustus Fitz Randolph Taylor (Q100988067) 1838 – 1840
10. Cornelius Low Hardenbergh (Q47457155) 1829 – 1838
9. Augustus Fitz Randolph Taylor (Q100988067) 1824 – 1829
8. James Schureman (Q930576) 1821 – 1824
7. James Bennett (Q100988049) 1813 – 1821
6. James Schureman (Q930576) 1801 – 1813
5. Abraham Schuyler (Q100988028) 1796 – 1801
4. John Bubenheim Bayard (Q6221165) 1794 – 1796
3. Lewis Dunham (Q100988004) 1793 – 1794
2. John Bubenheim Bayard (Q6221165) 1790 – 1793
1. Azariah Dunham (Q94521341) 1784 – 1790
Position created: 1784
Replaces: Colonial Mayor of New Brunswick (Q105725236); talk

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