
description: communication minister of Ireland, 1984−1991
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Position abolished: 1991-02-06
Replaced by: Minister for Transport (Ireland) (Q6865981); talk
Ray Burke (Q2133871) 1987-03-31 – 1991-02-06  Inconsistent successor [1]
John P. Wilson (Q1701309) 1987-03-10 – 1987-03-31
Jim Mitchell (Q1689168) 1984-01-02 – 1987-03-10
Position created: 1984-01-02
Replaces: Minister for Posts and Telegraphs (Q11781521); talk
  1. Ray Burke (Q2133871) has a replaced by (P1366) of Séamus Brennan (Q1655204), but is not followed by anyone here

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