
Autodescription — mayor of Lucca (Q73499451)

description: head of the government of the city of Lucca
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Classification of the class mayor of Lucca (Q73499451)  View with Reasonator View with SQID
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mayor of Lucca⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
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See also

WikiProject Italy

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Mario Pardini (Q112733254) 2022-06-27 –
Alessandro Tambellini (Q16525220) 2012-05-22 – 2022-06-27
Mauro Favilla (Q3852820) 2007-06-13 – 2012-05-22
Pietro Fazzi (Q3903859) 1998-06-08 – 2006-06-06
Giulio Lazzarini (Q56810413) 1994-07-12 – 1998-06-08
Arturo Pacini (Q17373246) 1990-08-09 – 1993-10-19
Franco Antonio Fanucchi (Q3751116) 1988-12-01 – 1990-07-18
Mauro Favilla (Q3852820) 1988-03-30 – 1988-12-01
Piero Baccelli (Q31374149) 1985-07-31 – 1988-03-30
Franco Antonio Fanucchi (Q3751116) 1984-11-28 – 1985-07-31
Mauro Favilla (Q3852820) 1972-12-19 – 1984-11-27
Giovanni Martinelli (Q56810415) 1965-01-17 – 1972-12-18
Italico Baccelli (Q31783394) 1960-11-27 – 1965-01-16
Tito Giovanni Marchetti (Q56810421) 1951-06-30 – 1960-11-26
Umberto Giannini (Q87080379) 1948-03-23 – 1951-06-30
Ferdinando Martini (Q56810424) 1946-04-24 – 1948-03-23
Gino Baldassari (Q3764564) 1944-09-05 – 1946-04-24  Missing field [1]
Mario Guidi (Q56810379) 1923-07-19 – 1926-12-31  Missing field [2]
Lorenzo Del Prete (Q56810375) 1922-05-02 – 1923-03-02
Pietro Pfanner (Q56810368) 1920-11-17 – 1922-04-19
Umberto Teghini (Q56810365) 1919-04-18 – 1920-07-08
Massimo Del Carlo (Q56810354) 1912-10-28 – 1919-03-01
Giulio Cesare Ballerini (Q56810363) 1910-06-22 – 1911-10-09
Lelio Chicca (Q56810361) 1906-11-19 – 1910-05-09
Massimo Del Carlo (Q56810354) 1903-11-14 – 1906-09-05
Giulio Lippi (Q56810340) 1900-11-23 – 1903-09-01
Giovanni Battista Carrara (Q56810334) 1899-10-24 – 1900-09-22
Carlo Pierantoni (Q56810332) 1896-07-04 – 1899-07-26
Enrico Del Carlo (Q56810323) 1889-11-16 – 1896-05-26
Achille Pucci (Q56810326) 1884-09-10 – 1888-05-02
Cesare Giorgetti (Q56810316) 1871-11-29 – 1878-09-06
Demetrio Del Prete (Q50975623) 1865-10-03 – 1870-10-31
Position created: 1865
Replaces: gonfalonier of Lucca (Q87463785); talk

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