
description: head of government of Russia, leads the executive branch in Russia
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Mikhail Mishustin (Q4298520) 2020-01-16 –
Dmitry Medvedev (Q23530) 2012-05-08 – 2020-01-16
38. Vladimir Putin (Q7747) 2008-05-08 – 2012-05-07
Victor Zubkov (Q147425) 2007-09-14 – 2008-05-07
Mikhail Fradkov (Q150080) 2004-03-05 – 2007-09-14
Viktor Khristenko (Q317667) 2004-02-24 – 2004-03-05
Mikhail Kasianov (Q62551) 2000-05-07 – 2004-02-24
34. Vladimir Putin (Q7747) 1999-08-16 – 2000-05-07
Sergei Stepashin (Q313989) 1999-05-12 – 1999-08-09
Yevgeny Primakov (Q270529) 1998-09-11 – 1999-05-12
Victor Chernomyrdin (Q190884) 1998-08-23 – 1998-09-11
Sergei Kirienko (Q313915) 1998-03-23 – 1998-08-23
Victor Chernomyrdin (Q190884) 1992-12-14 – 1998-03-23
Yegor Gaidar (Q82695) 1992-06-15 – 1992-12-14
Boris Yeltsin (Q34453) 1991-11-06 – 1992-06-15
Alexander Kerensky (Q48211) 1917-07-21 – 1917-11-07  Inconsistent successor [1]
Georgy Lvov (Q297032) 1917-03-02 – 1917-07-07
Nicholas Golitsyn (Q766517) 1916-12-27 – 1917-02-27
Alexander Trepov (Q620555) 1916-11-10 – 1916-12-27
Boris Stürmer (Q834984) 1916-01-20 – 1916-11-10
Ivan Goremykin (Q302668) 1914-01-31 – 1916-01-20
Vladimir Kokovtsov (Q438448) 1911-09-09 – 1914-01-30
Pyotr Stolypin (Q138487) 1906-07-21 – 1911-09-05
2. Ivan Goremykin (Q302668) 1906-04-22 – 1906-07-08
Sergei Witte (Q155329) 1905-11-06 – 1906-05-05  Date overlap [2]
Position created: 1992

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