
description: public office in Sweden
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Classification of the class governor of Örebro County (Q84547145)  View with Reasonator View with SQID
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governor of Örebro County⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
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WikiProject Sweden

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Lena Rådström Baastad (Q26305110) 2023-03-01 –  Missing field [1]
Maria Larsson (Q447542) 2015-05-04 – 2022-12-31  Missing field [2]
Rose-Marie Frebran (Q4948794) 2008-09-01 – 2015  Date precision [3]
Sören Gunnarsson (Q5776946) 2004 – 2008  Date precision [4]
Gerd Engman (Q4988425) 1995 – 2004
Sigvard Marjasin (Q5976814) 1989 – 1994
Elvy Olsson (Q4971112) 1980 – 1989
Harald Aronsson (Q5559956) 1971 – 1980
Valter Åman (Q6255705) 1961 – 1971
Karl Johan Olsson (Q6027253) 1947 – 1960
Bror Hasselrot (Q5792842) 1928 – 1947
Henning Elmquist (Q5710064) 1925 – 1928
Karl Johan Bergström (Q5573458) 1911 – 1925
Theodor Nordström (Q6016298) 1904 – 1911
Axel Svedelius (Q6197769) 1893 – 1904
Axel Bergström (Q5573272) 1876 – 1893
Carl Åkerhielm (Q6255141) 1856-02-14 – 1876-05-05  Date precision [5]
Erik Johan Bergenschöld (Q5571620) 1835-08-16 – 1856-02-14
Nils Gyldenstolpe (Q5779121) 1817 – 1834
Salomon Löfvenskiöld (Q5969638) 1801 – 1816
Carl Didrik Hamilton (Q5785998) 1796 – 1801
Evert August Franc (Q5739427) 1780 – 1796
Johan Abraham Hamilton (Q5786232) 1779 – 1780  Missing field [6]
Gustaf Soop (Q6183991) 1653 – 1654  Missing field [7]
Krister Bonde (Q5598267) 1648 – 1653
Gustav Leijonhufvud (Q5945201) 1639 – 1648-08-29  Date precision [8]
Position created: 1639

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