
description: public office in Sweden
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Beatrice Ask (Q297850) 2020-01-01 –
Liselott Hagberg (Q4951911) 2012-10-01 – 2019-12-31
Bo Könberg (Q4931118) 2006 – 2012-09-30
Bo Holmberg (Q887398) 1996 – 2005
Ivar Nordberg (Q6014287) 1990 – 1996
Bengt Gustavsson (Q5778281) 1980 – 1990
Mats Lemne (Q5945999) 1970 – 1980  Inconsistent predecessor [1]
Gustaf Andersson (Q5554616) 1958-07-01 – 1958-11-24  Inconsistent predecessor [2] Inconsistent successor [3]
Ossian Sehlstedt (Q6326219) 1958 – 1970  Date overlap [4] Inconsistent predecessor [5] Inconsistent successor [6]
Bo Hammarskjöld (Q5786841) 1935 – 1958  Inconsistent successor [7]
Gustaf Sederholm (Q6171386) 1927 – 1935
Lennart Reuterskiöld (Q6068987) 1906 – 1927
Filip Boström (Q5583226) 1894 – 1906
Otto Printzsköld (Q6056591) 1889 – 1894
Gustaf Lagerbjelke (Q1555429) 1858 – 1888
Gustaf Erik Frölich (Q24879188) 1833 – 1858
Gustaf Peyron the Elder (Q6047700) 1824 – 1833
Pehr Eric Sköldebrand (Q28967671) 1815 – 1824
Fabian Ulfsparre (Q6219199) 1804 – 1815-02-15  Date precision [8]
Salomon Jakob Gyllenadler (Q19721216) 1794 – 1804
Carl Lagerbring (Q5930909) 1792 – 1794  Inconsistent predecessor [9]
Jeremias Wallén (Q17385036) 1769-06-28 – 1769-10-17  Inconsistent predecessor [10] Inconsistent successor [11]
Per Abraham Örnsköld (Q6257354) 1769 – 1791  Date overlap [12] Inconsistent predecessor [13] Inconsistent successor [14]
Nils Adam Bielke (Q5575607) 1761 – 1769  Inconsistent successor [15]
Claes Gustaf Rålamb (Q16650256) 1751 – 1761
Carl Mårten Fleetwood (Q5732900) 1750-11-29 – 1751
Nils Bonde af Björnö (Q5581568) 1739 – 1750  Date precision [16]
Carl Gustaf Sparre (Q4430683) 1737 – 1739
Olof Gyllenborg (Q5779277) 1733 – 1737
Jonas Fredrik Örnfelt (Q6257332) 1732 – 1733
Michael Törnflycht (Q6218214) 1727 – 1732
Nils Gyllenstierna (Q5779529) 1723 – 1727
Germund Cederhielm the Younger (Q5605556) 1716 – 1723
Pehr Scheffer (Q6096777) 1714 – 1716
Peder Franc (Q89500077) 1710 – 1714
Hans Clerck (Q5609935) 1693 – 1710
Gabriel Falkenberg (Q5724432) 1678-12-24 – 1693
Erich Sparre (Q6184961) 1657 – 1678  Date precision [17]
Jöran Bengtsson Sparre (Q6185036) 1653 – 1657
Gustaf Bonde (Q1254296) 1648 – 1653
Hans Rotkirch (Q89493137) 1640-04-29 – 1648
Knut Posse (Q6054482) 1637 – 1640  Date precision [18]
Peder Erlandsson Bååt (Q50347334) 1634 – 1637  Inconsistent successor [19]
Stellan Otto von Mörner (Q6001701) 1634 – 1634
Position created: 1634
  1. Mats Lemne (Q5945999) has a replaces (P1365) of Ossian Sehlstedt (Q6326219), but follows Gustaf Andersson (Q5554616) here
  2. Gustaf Andersson (Q5554616) has a replaces (P1365) of Bo Hammarskjöld (Q5786841), but follows Ossian Sehlstedt (Q6326219) here
  3. Gustaf Andersson (Q5554616) has a replaced by (P1366) of Ossian Sehlstedt (Q6326219), but is followed by Mats Lemne (Q5945999) here
  4. Ossian Sehlstedt (Q6326219) has a end time (P582) of 1970, which is later than the start time (P580) of 1958-07-01 for Gustaf Andersson (Q5554616)
  5. Ossian Sehlstedt (Q6326219) has a replaces (P1365) of Gustaf Andersson (Q5554616), but follows Bo Hammarskjöld (Q5786841) here
  6. Ossian Sehlstedt (Q6326219) has a replaced by (P1366) of Mats Lemne (Q5945999), but is followed by Gustaf Andersson (Q5554616) here
  7. Bo Hammarskjöld (Q5786841) has a replaced by (P1366) of Gustaf Andersson (Q5554616), but is followed by Ossian Sehlstedt (Q6326219) here
  8. Fabian Ulfsparre (Q6219199) has a end time (P582) of 1815-02-15, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1815 for Pehr Eric Sköldebrand (Q28967671)
  9. Carl Lagerbring (Q5930909) has a replaces (P1365) of Per Abraham Örnsköld (Q6257354), but follows Jeremias Wallén (Q17385036) here
  10. Jeremias Wallén (Q17385036) has a replaces (P1365) of Nils Adam Bielke (Q5575607), but follows Per Abraham Örnsköld (Q6257354) here
  11. Jeremias Wallén (Q17385036) has a replaced by (P1366) of Per Abraham Örnsköld (Q6257354), but is followed by Carl Lagerbring (Q5930909) here
  12. Per Abraham Örnsköld (Q6257354) has a end time (P582) of 1791, which is later than the start time (P580) of 1769-06-28 for Jeremias Wallén (Q17385036)
  13. Per Abraham Örnsköld (Q6257354) has a replaces (P1365) of Jeremias Wallén (Q17385036), but follows Nils Adam Bielke (Q5575607) here
  14. Per Abraham Örnsköld (Q6257354) has a replaced by (P1366) of Carl Lagerbring (Q5930909), but is followed by Jeremias Wallén (Q17385036) here
  15. Nils Adam Bielke (Q5575607) has a replaced by (P1366) of Jeremias Wallén (Q17385036), but is followed by Per Abraham Örnsköld (Q6257354) here
  16. Nils Bonde af Björnö (Q5581568) has a end time (P582) of 1750, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1750-11-29 for Carl Mårten Fleetwood (Q5732900)
  17. Erich Sparre (Q6184961) has a end time (P582) of 1678, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1678-12-24 for Gabriel Falkenberg (Q5724432)
  18. Knut Posse (Q6054482) has a end time (P582) of 1640, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1640-04-29 for Hans Rotkirch (Q89493137)
  19. Peder Erlandsson Bååt (Q50347334) has a replaced by (P1366) of Knut Göransson Posse (Q6054511), but is followed by Knut Posse (Q6054482) here

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