
Autodescription — mayor of Guangzhou (Q858795)

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Classification of the class mayor of Guangzhou (Q858795)  View with Reasonator View with SQID
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mayor of Guangzhou⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
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Wen Guohui (Q19825704) 2016-01 –  Missing field [1]
Chen Jianhua (Q4984503) 2012-01 – 2016-01
Wan Qingliang (Q7967019) 2010-04-16 – 2011-12-20  Missing field [2]
Li Ziliu (Q9463816) 1990 – 1996  Missing fields [3]
7. File:中央办公厅主任杨尚昆.jpg Yang Shangkun (Q377935) 1979 – 1981  Missing fields [4]
Ye Jianying (Q504372) 1949 – 1952  Missing field [5]
Position created: 1921

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