
description: person in charge of the Bahia State Finance Department
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Government secretaries of Finance of the State of Bahia⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
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Manoel Vitório (Q123155553) 2023-01-01 –
Manoel Vitório (Q123155553) 2019-01-01 –  Missing field [1]
Manoel Vitório (Q123155553) 2015-01-01 – 2019-12-31  Missing field [2] Date overlap [3]
Carlos Martins (Q98186879) 2011-01-01 – 2012-03-30  Missing field [4] Inconsistent predecessor [5]
Carlos Martins (Q98186879) 2007 – 2010-12-31  Missing field [6]
Rodolpho Tourinho (Q10363728) 1995-01 – 1998-12  Missing field [7]
Rodolpho Tourinho (Q10363728) 1991-01 – 1994-12  Missing field [8]
Sergio Gaudenzi (Q10370234) 1987-03 – 1989-06  Missing fields [9]
Benito Gama (Q16497789) 1983 – 1985  Missing fields [10]
Ângelo Calmon de Sá (Q10396137) 1970 – 1971-03  Missing fields [11]
Rômulo Almeida (Q10366279) 1955-04 – 1957-07  Missing fields [12]
Guilherme Marback (Q9697607) 1942 – 1945  Missing field [13]
Guilherme Marback (Q9697607) 1938 – 1942
Position created:  Missing field [14]

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