Topic on User talk:Magnus Manske

Feed for the date game (or separate game)

Jura1 (talkcontribs)
Nono314 (talkcontribs)

I'd love to see The Game as a WDQ/PagePile consumer! That would allow to swiftly go through a list of items from e.g. a constraint violation report and fix them.

Mix'n'Match would be great too, with an item-centric game instead of a catalog-focused one. I think it can be more efficient to match an item through every possible catalog rather than just one at a time, and starting with a pre-selected list of possible matches also helps.

Actually, I've been doing just that for some time now: extract items through autolist/tabernacle and generate a static list of links to a "kind-of-hacked" version of Mix'n'match that basically allows me to run a search with a pre-selected candidate item that can then be matched with a single click against each result cross-catalogs. This way, even if targeting a specific catalog through my initial selection, I can perform a number of incidental matches in other catalogs too, while the current game mode only allows to confirm a few auto-matches on the way. Having it natively integrated into the tool would be really great...

I was considering "hacking" the date game too, but I think it makes sense to turn them all into PagePile consumers. What do you think?

Magnus Manske (talkcontribs)

I did contemplate (several times) a "distributed game", with a standard interface, and many external data providers. That would be a more generic solution to the issue; providers could use any data source, as long as they communicate in a standard way with the game.

The devil is, as so often, in the detail. If I restrict the API "language" to some scenarios (e.g. "chose one/multiple of these values for a property"), it would exclude game variants I can't think of yet. OTOH, if I just display some HTML blob from the data providers, the interface will not be consistent, there is danger of XSS attacks, etc.

So, it's possible, either as an addition to the current game, or as a new one (the "old" one could be migrated over to providers), but implementation details are complex.

Nono314 (talkcontribs)

Doesn't the PagePile option respond to both criteria, i.e. being standardised and intrinsically safe since you only get a list of Qs and just load data from the item/article?

Granted it may not be as elegant as a factory of pluggable providers, but I understood you advertised PagePile as the way to satisfy mashup demands from your faithful user base... We have a perfect use case ;-)

Any way, that was just a suggestion that I thought would be useful... and I'm confident you'll soon come up with a new tool!

Magnus Manske (talkcontribs)

Well, getting items to process in the game is one thing, but then what action to perform on them? Instance of? Gender? Dates? Any keywords to highlight? I would have to hard-code that into the game too.

Jura1 (talkcontribs)

How about a setting in the preferences to specify a pagepile number as input?

Jura1 (talkcontribs)

Maybe it's easier to implement an approach that is not quite as generic as the two of you envision:

feeding QIDs into an existing game, but filtering them to require, e.g. P31:Q5 and the absence of either P570 or P569 (for the above game).

Magnus Manske (talkcontribs)

I am already doing that filtering, as the pre-computed list in the game does go stale. I could "just" have people add PagePile lists to individual games, but then I'll have to clean up if someone imports nonsense.

Jura1 (talkcontribs)

That could also happen with just about any other tool, no?

Filitering for P31:Q5 should limit it.

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