Topic on Wikidata talk:Wikidata Lexeme Forms

Wikidata:Wikidata Lexeme Forms/Tamil

Info-farmer (talkcontribs)
Lucas Werkmeister (talkcontribs)

I’ve added the translations (thanks!), but some templates also need to be added using the form at the bottom of [] before the translations become visible in the tool.

Info-farmer (talkcontribs)
Lucas Werkmeister (talkcontribs)

No, I mean you have to use the inputbox to add templates (like this one, for example). (Or someone else can do it, too.)

Info-farmer (talkcontribs)
Lucas Werkmeister (talkcontribs)

Please don’t translate the instructions, I need to be able to read those :D I’ve changed them back to English.

Also, you shouldn’t exactly translate any existing template – instead, you need to decide which forms make sense for e. g. a Tamil noun and add a template for those. I can’t tell if it makes sense for tamil-noun to have only two forms (I tried looking at en:Tamil grammar#Nouns, but it’s not clear to me if there are e. g. cases or other distinguishing features beyond singular/plural), but I’m pretty sure the comment below, about possessive case (Q21470140), shouldn’t be copied directly. (Perhaps I should also remove it from the English template? Not sure.)

Info-farmer (talkcontribs)

oh! very nice. Thanks for the extensibility. To furnish well, i have to refer Tamil grammer book. i am focusing on existing Tamil Lexemes now and finally i will request in a week.

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