User:Ash Crow/xkcd


Top groupings (Minimum 20 items) Top Properties (used at least 10 times per grouping)
Name Count title (P1476) author (P50) language of work or name (P407) publication date (P577) depicts (P180) URL (P2699) issue (P433) copyright license (P275) part of the series (P179) main subject (P921) full work available at URL (P953) has part(s) of the class (P2670)
Totals (all items): 2189 20.15% (441) 100.0% (2189) 86.66% (1897) 99.91% (2187) 49.57% (1085) 22.52% (493) 100.0% (2189) 86.84% (1901) 0.05% (1) 2.88% (63) 77.39% (1694) 0.96% (21)



Properties used on xkcd comic strips


The following query uses these:

  • Properties: instance of (P31)     , part of (P361)     
    SELECT DISTINCT ?p ?prop ?propLabel (count(?item) as ?uses)
      ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q838795 ; wdt:P361 wd:Q13915 .
      ?item ?p ?y .
      ?prop wikibase:directClaim ?p .
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "fr, en". }
    } GROUP BY ?p ?prop ?propLabel ORDER BY DESC(?uses)

Number of xkcd by weekday of publication


The following query uses these:

  • Properties: instance of (P31)     , part of (P361)     , publication date (P577)     
    SELECT ?weekday (COUNT(?xkcd) AS ?count) (xsd:integer(?offset + 1) AS ?dayorder) 
    WHERE {
        ?xkcd wdt:P31 wd:Q838795;
                  wdt:P361 wd:Q13915;
                  p:P577/psv:P577 [
                    wikibase:timeValue ?date;
                    wikibase:timePrecision ?precision
        FILTER(?precision >= "11"^^xsd:integer)
        # calculate the weekday as the offset from January first, 1973 (arbitrary Monday that preceeds the first xkcd) modulo 7
        # SPARQL has no modulo operator, so this gets finicky
        BIND(?date - "1973-01-01"^^xsd:dateTime AS ?offsetInt)
        BIND(?offsetInt - (7 * xsd:integer(xsd:float(?offsetInt) / 7.0)) AS ?offsetSigned)
        BIND(IF(?offsetSigned < 0, ?offsetSigned + 7, ?offsetSigned) AS ?offset)
        BIND(IF(?offset = 0, "Monday"@en,
                IF(?offset = 1, "Tuesday"@en,
                   IF(?offset = 2, "Wednesday"@en,
                      IF(?offset = 3, "Thursday"@en,
                         IF(?offset = 4, "Friday"@en,
                            IF(?offset = 5, "Saturday"@en,
                               IF(?offset = 6, "Sunday"@en,
                                  "unknown day"@en)))))))
             AS ?weekday)
        SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
    } GROUP BY ?weekday ?offset ORDER BY ?dayorder