
QuickNames is a gadget to help you add given name (P735), family name (P734), first family name in Portuguese name (P9139) and second family name in Spanish name (P1950) to items.

As of now, please use it only with people with names in Latin script.



Install it adding

importScript( 'User:Bargioni/quickNames.js' );

to your common.js file.



The item must be a instance of (P31)human (Q5) and the label in your preferred language is required. Also sex or gender (P21) is required (this gadget only manages sex or gender (P21)male (Q6581097) and sex or gender (P21)female (Q6581072)); if P21 is missing, please add it and reload the page.

The label is split in words, the first word is used as a given name (P735), other words are marked as family name (P734). You can change the word type, especially useful for the second given name, and occasionally for the second Spanish family name (second family name in Spanish name (P1950)).

  • When managing double give names -e.g. Gian Carlo-, try to join the second to the first, to verify if it exists.
  • You can do the same for family names -e.g. Di Carlo-: try to join the second to the first, to verify if it exists.

A refresh icon is available in the top right corner of the gadget.

Please, even if this gadget is very simple to use, always verify you added correct names to items.

When creating names, please be sure to use the correct language code for native label (P1705). The Settings tab allows to change the current language code for new names and family names. Use a Wikimedia language code listed in Help:Wikimedia language codes/lists/all. The default language code is your preferred language. The Settings tab also allows to set a character to split a label not only on spaces. This is useful for composed family names, like Alicja Resich-Modlińska (Q9148217).

Immediately after creating a name, it will be automatically added to the current item.

The gadget shows messages for missing requirements, to confirm creation of items and addition of claims, or errors when saving.