
Made from a database dump from 2013-08-27.

Finding links with numbers to language simple ... found 125121 links, 13014 with one number (36 with leading zero dropped) in 2 seconds.

Find links with number from simple to en ... found 12475 pages in simple with link to en and 503 pages in simple without link en in 1 seconds.

Merge candidates in simple: and en: based on common patterns with numbers


Checked 2726 patterns in simple in 27 seconds (21 dropped due to links to more than one pattern in en, 13 dropped due to use of different numbers)

Found 0 merge candidates without and 0 with link conflicts. 0 candidates on the exclusion list was removed.
Found 0 items with links with different numbers. 2 items on the unmerge exclusion list was removed.

Made from a database dump from 2013-08-27.

Finding links with intervals to language simple ... found 125121 links, 635 with an interval (10 with leading zero) in 1 seconds.

Find links with intervals from simple to en ... found 620 pages in simple with link to en and 15 pages in simple without link en in 0 seconds.

Merge candidates in simple: and en: based on common patterns with intervals


Checked 95 patterns in simple in 2 seconds (0 dropped due to links to more than one pattern in en, 4 dropped due to use of different intervals)

Found 0 merge candidates without and 0 with link conflicts. 0 candidates on the exclusion list was removed.
Found 1 items with links with different intervals. 0 items on the unmerge exclusion list was removed.