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Babel user information
hr-N Ovaj suradnik govori hrvatski kao materinski jezik.
de-N Dieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache.
en-5 This user has professional knowledge of English.
uz-0 Bu foydalanuvchi oʻzbek tilini umuman bilmaydi.
mul-N This user has a native understanding of multiple languages.
Users by language

Hi, I am Denny Vrandečić (Q18618629). My family comes from Brač (Q922). I was a member of the board of directors (Q188628) of the Wikimedia Foundation (Q180) from July 2015 (Q16726273) until April 2016 (Q2874588). I was the Wikidata (Q2013) director until September 2013 (Q2393031). Before that, I studied computer science (Q21198) and philosophy (Q5891) at the University of Stuttgart (Q122453), got my Doctor of Philosophy (Q752297) at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Q309988), where I started with Markus Krötzsch (Q18618630) the Semantic MediaWiki (Q20728) project. I have been doing research at the Laboratory of Applied Ontology at the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Q902464) in Rome (Q220), the Information Sciences Institute (Q6030821) at the University of Southern California (Q4614) in Los Angeles (Q65), and the University of California, Berkeley (Q168756) in Berkeley (Q484678). I worked at Google (Q95) on the Google Knowledge Graph (Q648625) and in Google Research (Q28943742). Today I work at Wikimedia Foundation (Q180) on Abstract Wikipedia (Q96807071) and Wikifunctions (Q104587954).

Interest: Wikidata:WikiProject Brač


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