Wikidata Bot This user account is a bot with a bot flag. The bot is operated by [[user:Eduardo Gomes Kramer da Silva|Eduardo Gomes Kramer da Silva]].
  • Block this bot if it is malfunctioning.
  • Check its work.
  • [[User talk:Eduardo Gomes Kramer da Silva|Contact]] the operator about mistakes.
  • See all Requests for Permissions related to this bot: None at the moment
  • License:

Release date


Releasing date: 9/1/18 Status: In construction

Execution on this bot


The bot is triggered manually.

Design and development


Milestone 1 - August 26, 2018


Added new seriously development by my family and friends, such is the list:

  • The design process are planned to development branch in GitHub by an independent repository and hiring users across the Brazilian cities.
  • This alpha bot isn't completely configurated as well, is in the development process and sets up as Astoria 2 project.

More bot contents are being updated on GitHub and soon as possible.