I'm a professor at the University of Freiburg and a big fan of Wikidata.

In my group, we are developing QLever, a SPARQL engine that is fast also for very large knowledge graphs (like Wikidata) with only moderate hardware requirements (a standard PC is enough for setting up an instance yourself). QLever offers features such as context-sensitive autocompletion (get suggestions for continuing your SPARQL query in a meaningful way as you type), GeoSPARQL support (in particular, efficiently constraining results to be contained in a given region or regions), and combined SPARQL and text search.

You can try it out on Wikidata here: https://qlever.cs.uni-freiburg.de/wikidata . There are many example queries. When you have executed a query, there is a button for running the same query on the Wikidata Query Service (WDQS) or using Virtuoso (on a subset of an older dump of Wikidata, provided by the makers of Virtuoso).

Via the drop-down menu on the upper left, you can also run queries on other knowledge graphs, such as: Freebase, OpenStreetMap, UniProt, PubChem, DBLP, IMDb, Yago.