Babel user information
de-N Dieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache.
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances de base en français.
pl-0 Ten użytkownik nie rozumie języka polskiego (albo ma z nim olbrzymie trudności).
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This user is on GitHub as jkatzwinkel.
This user is penguin powered.
This user runs a bot, neonionbot (contribs).

research assistant in digital humanities and computer science student. currently researching linked open data, semantic annotation and enhanced publishing approaches like nano- and micropublications. for my thesis, I develop extensions for semantic annotations application neonion (manual) that utilize wikidata content for schema alignment. the goal is to create a technical solution that enables scholars without a technical background to generate structured data representing semantic relations identified in academic publications from their field of expertise. Researchers with specific domain knowledge are expected to extract and connect implicit claims from unstructured text documents of their knowledge domain in a reliable and well-informed manner that really enhances the annotated publication. This might be beneficial not only for them, but also for the wikidata community, as semantic relations annotated in an open access scientific publication using a vocabulary automatically aligned to wikidata's terminological knowledge might make useful contributions to wikidata itself, for instance by providing bibliographic references for wikidata statements that are already present but lack support by verifiable sources.

