User:Joshbaumgartner/property available summary/1400-1499

property P1413 does not exist. Use "id=new" if it's to be created.

property P1432 does not exist. Use "id=new" if it's to be created.

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
FCC Facility IDP1400External identifierU.S. ID number for broadcast stationsWINC <FCC Facility ID> 41809-
issue tracker URLP1401URLbug tracking system: web page where bugs, issues, and feature requests for a particular software program can be listed or reportedWikidata <issue tracker URL>
Foundational Model of Anatomy IDP1402External identifieridentifier for human anatomical terminologytibia <Foundational Model of Anatomy ID> 24476-
original combinationP1403Itemprotonym: for animals: the combination (binomen or trinomen) where the species-group name used in this taxon name was first publishedlion <original combination> Felis leoprotonym of
World Glacier Inventory IDP1404External identifieridentifier in the World Glacier Inventory databaseAletsch Glacier <World Glacier Inventory ID> CH4N01336026-
script directionalityP1406Itemscript directionality: direction that a writing system goes inOsmanya <script directionality> left-to-right-
MusicBrainz series IDP1407External identifieridentifier for a series per the MusicBrainz open music encyclopediaBach-Werke-Verzeichnis <MusicBrainz series ID> d977f7fd-96c9-4e3e-83b5-eb484a9e6582-
licensed to broadcast toP1408Itemcity of license and broadcasting licence area: place that a radio/TV station is licensed/required to broadcast toWNBC <licensed to broadcast to> New York City-
Cycling Archives cyclist ID (archived)P1409External identifierTemplate:Cycling Archives: identifier in the Cycling ArchivesMarianne Vos <Cycling Archives cyclist ID (archived)> 6345-
number of seats in assemblyP1410Quantitynumber of entities: number of seats a political party, faction, or group has in a given assemblyBharatiya Janata Party <number of seats in assembly> 117-
nominated forP1411Itemnomination: award nomination received by a person, organisation or creative work (inspired from "award received" (Property:P166))Arctic Monkeys <nominated for> Grammy Award for Best Alternative Music Albumnominee
languages spoken, written or signedP1412Itemlanguage proficiency: language(s) that a person or a people speaks, writes or signs, including the native language(s)Confucius <languages spoken, written or signed> Old Chinese-
GUI toolkit or frameworkP1414Itemwidget toolkit and software framework: framework or toolkit a program uses to display the graphical user interfaceGIMP <GUI toolkit or framework> GTK-
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography IDP1415External identifieridentifier used by the Oxford Dictionary of National BiographyCharles William Miller <Oxford Dictionary of National Biography ID> 95491-
affiliationP1416Itemaffiliation: organization that a person or organization is affiliated with (not necessarily member of or employed by)Raoul Bott <affiliation> Institute for Advanced Study-
Encyclopædia Britannica Online IDP1417External identifieridentifier for an article in the online version of Encyclopædia BritannicaAlfred Hitchcock <Encyclopædia Britannica Online ID> biography/Alfred-Hitchcock-
orbits completedP1418Quantitynumber of orbits a spacecraft has done around a bodyGemini 10 <orbits completed> 43-
shapeP1419Itemshape: shape of an objectpyramid <shape> pyramid-
taxon synonymP1420Itemsynonym: name listed as synonym of this item's taxon nameCaprifoliaceae <taxon synonym> Diervillaceae-
GRIN URLP1421URLGRIN Taxonomy for Plants: URL for a taxon in the GRIN websitemaize <GRIN URL> person IDP1422External identifierpersonal Identification number in Research Platform for Art and Cultural History of the 17th Century ( V of Aragon < person ID> 1206-
template has topicP1423Itemtopic related to templateTemplate:Taxonomy/Syngnathiformes <template has topic> Syngnathiformestopic's main template
topic's main templateP1424ItemWikimedia template: the main template relating to a topicSyngnathiformes <topic's main template> Template:Taxonomy/Syngnathiformestemplate has topic
ecoregion (WWF)P1425Itemecoregion: ecoregion of the item (choose from WWF's list)Sooty Albatross <ecoregion (WWF)> Antipodes Subantarctic Islands tundra-
start pointP1427Itembeginning: starting place of this journey, flight, voyage, trek, migration etc.2004 Tour de France, Stage 2 <start point> Charleroi-
Lost Art IDP1428External identifieridentifier on the German Lost Art Foundation websiteTwo Riders on the Beach <Lost Art ID> 448972-
has petP1429Itempet: pet that a person ownsBarack Obama <has pet> Bo-
Open Plaques subject IDP1430External identifieridentifier for a person or other subject included in the OpenPlaques websiteJohn Scarlett Davis <Open Plaques subject ID> 9800-
executive producerP1431Itemexecutive producer: executive producer of a movie, TV show, or other piece of media or entertainmentPerson of Interest <executive producer> J. J. Abrams-
published inP1433Itempublishing: larger work that a given work was published in, like a book, journal or music albumTo a Creole Lady <published in> Les Fleurs du mal-
takes place in fictional universeP1434Itemfictional universe: the subject is a work describing a fictional universe, i.e. whose plot occurs in this universeFirefly <takes place in fictional universe> Serenityversefictional universe described in
heritage designationP1435Itemhistoric preservation and heritage designation: heritage designation of a cultural or natural siteEiffel Tower <heritage designation> monument historique inscrit-
collection or exhibition sizeP1436Quantitynumber of items in a collection or exhibitionMaksim Bahdanovič Literary Museum, Minsk <collection or exhibition size> 16,946-
pleaP1437Itemplea: whether a person pleaded guilty, not guilty, etc.Mark Hofmann <plea> guilty-
Jewish Encyclopedia ID (Russian)P1438External identifierArticle ID in the Electronic Jewish Encyclopedia in RussianChristopher Columbus <Jewish Encyclopedia ID (Russian)> 12170-
Norwegian filmography IDP1439External identifieridentifier from Norsk filmografi, published by the National Library of NorwayKitchen Stories <Norwegian filmography ID> 796702-
FIDE player IDP1440External identifieridentifier on the FIDE database for chess playersMagnus Carlsen <FIDE player ID> 1503014-
present in workP1441Itemwork: this (fictional or fictionalized) entity, place, or person appears in that work as part of the narration (use P2860 for works citing other works, P361/P1433 for works being part of other works, P1343 for entities described in non-fictional accounts)Irina Nikolayevna Arkadina <present in work> The Seagullcharacters
image of graveP1442Commons media filegrave, tomb and tombstone: picture of a person or animal's grave, gravestone or tombEmpress Zita of Austria <image of grave> Kapuzinergruft Wien4.JPG-
score methodP1443Itemscoring system: qualifier of "points/goal scored by (P1363)"Property talk:P1443-
destination pointP1444Itemdestination point or location: destination for this route (journey, flight, sailing, exploration, migration, etc.)2013 Vuelta a España, Stage 12 <destination point> Tarragona-
fictional universe described inP1445Itemwork and fictional universe: to link a fictional universe with a work that describes it: <universe> "described in the work:" <work>Serenityverse <fictional universe described in> Fireflytakes place in fictional universe
number of missingP1446Quantitynumber of people missing after an event - qualify with "point in time (P585)"2013 Lushan earthquake <number of missing> 23- Olympic athlete ID (archived)P1447External identifieridentifier for an Olympic athlete (sportsperson) at Bolt < Olympic athlete ID (archived)> bo/usain-bolt-1-
official nameP1448Monolingual textofficial name: official name of the subject in its official language(s)Germany <official name> Bundesrepublik Deutschland-
nicknameP1449Monolingual textnickname: informal name (for a pseudonym use P742)California <nickname> The Golden State-
Sandbox-Monolingual textP1450Monolingual textSandbox for testing the monolingual text datatypeWikidata datatype demonstration <Sandbox-Monolingual text> hiekkalaatikko-
motto textP1451Monolingual textmotto: short motivation sentence associated to itemCaen <motto text> Un Dieu, un roy, une foy, une loy- IDP1453External identifieridentifier on the site catholic.ruThomas Aquinas < ID> 485-
legal formP1454Itemlegal form: legal form of an entityHaribo <legal form> GmbH & Co. KG-
list of worksP1455Itembibliography, thematic catalog, catalogue of classical compositions and catalog of works: link to the article with the works of a person; use P358 for discographiesLeo Tolstoy <list of works> Leo Tolstoy bibliography-
list of monumentsP1456Itemmonument: link to the list of heritage monuments in the place/areaČeský Krumlov <list of monuments> list of cultural monuments in Český Krumlov-
absolute magnitudeP1457Quantityabsolute magnitude: absolute magnitude of an astronomic object102 Miriam <absolute magnitude> 9.26-
color indexP1458Quantitycolor index: color index of an astronomical objectProperty talk:P1458-
Cadw Building IDP1459External identifieridentifier for listed buildings in WalesGolden Grove <Cadw Building ID> 301-
NIEA building IDP1460External identifieridentifier for listed buildings in Northern IrelandGrand Opera House <NIEA building ID> HB26/29/001-
Patientplus IDP1461External identifieridentifier of disease at Patient UKAsperger syndrome <Patientplus ID> aspergers-syndrome-
standards bodyP1462Itemstandards organization: organisation that published or maintains the standard governing an itemHTML <standards body> World Wide Web Consortium-
Post-Reformation Digital Library author IDP1463External identifieridentifier from Post-Reformation Digital LibraryJohn Calvin <Post-Reformation Digital Library author ID> 1-
category for people born hereP1464Itemplace of birth: category item that groups people born in this placeSaxony <category for people born here> Category:Births in Saxony-
category for people who died hereP1465Itemplace of death: category item for people who died in this locationSouth Africa <category for people who died here> Category:Deaths in South Africa-
WALS lect codeP1466External identifierWALS lect code: identifier for a languageMartu Wangka <WALS lect code> mwa-
WALS genus codeP1467External identifiergenus: identifier for a language genusHarakmbut <WALS genus code> harakmbet-
WALS family codeP1468External identifieridentifier for a language family in the World Atlas of Language StructuresGuaicuruan <WALS family code> guaicuruan-
FIFA player ID (archived)P1469External identifieridentifier for a association football player per FIFADianne Alagich <FIFA player ID (archived)> 1-
maximum glide ratioP1470Quantitylift-to-drag ratio: maximum glide ratio of an aircraftProperty talk:P1470-
reporting markP1471Stringreporting mark: reporting mark for railroads in North AmericaNew York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad <reporting mark> NH-
Commons Creator pageP1472StringCommons Creator page: name of Commons Infobox template residing in "Creator" namespace on Wikimedia CommonsStanley R. H. Rogers <Commons Creator page> Stanley R. H. Rogers-
BLPL author IDP1473External identifieridentifier for an author from Nupill Literatura DigitalMário de Andrade <BLPL author ID> 7416-
BLPL document IDP1474External identifieridentifier for a document in Nupill Literatura DigitalThe Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas <BLPL document ID> 136488-
titleP1476Monolingual textoriginal title and title: published name of a work, such as a newspaper article, a literary work, piece of music, a website, or a performance workNature <title> Nature-
birth nameP1477Monolingual textname at birth: full name of a person at birth, if different from their current, generally used nameJohn Paul II <birth name> Karol Józef Wojtyła-
has immediate causeP1478Itemcause: nearest, proximate thing that directly resulted in the subject as outcome or effect. Used in conjunction with 'has cause' (i.e. underlying cause) and 'has contributing factor'. See 'Help:Modeling causes'.malaria <has immediate cause> Culicidaeimmediate cause of
has contributing factorP1479Itemcontributing factor: thing that significantly influenced, but did not directly cause, this outcome or effect. Used in conjunction with 'has cause' and 'has immediate cause'. See 'Help:Modeling causes'.American Civil War <has contributing factor> caning of Charles Sumnercontributing factor of
sourcing circumstancesP1480Itemsourcing circumstance: qualification of the truth or accuracy of a source: circa (Q5727902), near (Q21818619), presumably (Q18122778), etc.gas lighting <sourcing circumstances> circa- IDP1481External identifieridentifier on - archaeological atlas of antiquityFectio < ID> 49-
Stack Exchange tagP1482URLStack Exchange Folksonomy and Stack Exchange: tag on the Stack Exchange websitesPHP <Stack Exchange tag>,, and IDP1483External identifieridentifier for an item in a Russian cultural heritage registerRussian Museum < ID> 7810526000-