Babel user information
eu-N Erabiltzaile hau euskaldun zaharra da (euskara du ama hizkuntza).
es-N Esta persona tiene una comprensión nativa del español.
en-1 This user has basic knowledge of English.
Users by language

SELECT ?taldedupla ?taldeduplaLabel ?izenLabel ?herria WHERE { ?taldedupla wdt:P31 wd:Q7366. #instance of -- song (may be musical composition, ... ?taldedupla wdt:P175 wd:Q81052671. #performer -- izaro ?taldedupla wdt:P175 ?izenLabel. #performer as a distinct column ?izenLabel wdt:P495 ?herria. #image of the performer as a distinct column SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "eu". } }